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Messages - ananda

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Dear All,
It is a great collection of iPhone Application development from Stanford University. If you are interested to develop mobile apps please go through the site.

News Published in National Dailies about the book...

Amar Desh
February 09, 2012

Amar Desh
February 19, 2012

Thanks Arefin for your Best Wishes....

মোড়ক উন্মোচন অনুষ্ঠানের ছবি .....

ছবি ১: মোড়ক উন্মোচন করছেন প্রফেসর ড: সাইদ আক্তার হোসেন

ছবি ২: প্রকাশক আহমেদুর রশীদ টুটুল, অভ্র পথিক ও লেখক পারভেজ হোসেন

ছবি ৩: অটোগ্রাফ শিকারীর দল

IT Forum / Re: Why call center guys are paid so much..... Part 2
« on: February 01, 2012, 01:53:19 PM »
Fantastic.... Carry on please.....

IT Forum / Re: Why call center guys are paid so much.....
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:08:02 PM »
Awesome..... Would like to read more....

Impressive..... Added new dimension in research area....

Common Forum / Job opportunity at ISP company..
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:03:54 AM »
Dear CSE Students,

If you are interested to build your career at networking, then send your CV to my email address as soon as possible. One renowned ISP company is  going to recruit a fresh CSE graduate.

My email address is:

Programming Competition / Opportunity for ACM programmers
« on: October 10, 2011, 02:21:30 PM »
Dear Programmers,

Go ahead....

CodeSprint is an ACM / CodeJam style programming contest designed to streamline the job hunt for upcoming graduates.

Do you remember your high school senior year, when you could fill out the Common App and apply to dozens of universities at the same time? CodeSprint is the Common App, but for actual jobs at awesome startups. Instead of applying to 50 companies individually, work your noggin on a single set of interesting and tough coding challenges in a 72 hour period and get interview calls from these awesome companies!

Departments / Call for papers without any publication charge
« on: October 02, 2011, 05:47:33 PM »
Dear all,

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology Applications (IJCSITA) is giving the opportunity to publish your research paper
without any charge. For details, please go through the following link.....

Call for Papers for December 2011
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology Applications (IJCSITA)
Volume 1 Issue 2; December 2011
This International Journal would like to encourage the submission of  Papers that deal with any of the topics Related  Computer Science & Engineering,  Information Technology and their Applications.
Please remember the following dates in relation to paper.

For Second Issue
Paper Submission Due Date :  31 October 2011       
Acceptance Notification        :  20 December 2011
Online Publication Date         :  31 December 2011


Dear all,

Please read my article "Malicious Software: Virus, Worm, Trozan Horse and Backdoor"  published in the monthly IT Magazine "CNEWS" on February 2011 issue.

Article Title: Malicious Software: Virus, Worm, Trozan Horse and Backdoor
Page No: 37,38,39 and 84
Section Name: Dwitiyo Matra
Month: February, 2011

Science Discussion Forum / Re: Whats about Daffodil Online Radio???
« on: December 21, 2010, 08:26:38 PM »
Dear All,

Thank you for your keen interest and support for developing an online radio for Daffodil International University. We have been already finished the development process of Daffodil online radio. Now, we are adding  some other features like news archive, notice board etc. However, to provide enhanced support, we are thinking to include social networking facilities within this site. That means if a student registers using sign up option then he/she will be able to chat with others, write comments and status, send personal message and add others as his/her friend. Now, one thing is important to know whether should we keep it open or not. That is, should we allow anyone to sign up and be a member of this network or we should only allow those people having daffodil email  addresses? It is very important to know your opinions regarding this issue. I would like to appreciate your suggestions that will help us to make decision.

The view of homepage is uploaded at the following link. Slight modification will be done to give more professional look at this page.

Thanks to Arefin Sir for his valuable suggestions. I do agree with him. Another important thing is that DIU home page has more than 100 links. But from the usability perspective, it is proven that if a website contains more links (specially at home page) then most of the users do not want to stay long. That is why I think the number of links should be minimized. Links of the same group should not be represented individually. It is better to represent them in sub-group. This is personal assessment that I explained from the view of HCI.

Science Discussion Forum / Whats about Daffodil Online Radio???
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:01:33 PM »
Dear All,

One of my project group is working on "Online Radio System". They have already completed 80% of their development activities. We know that online radio is also a very effective communication media for the young generation as like FM radio. Through online radio, DIU can easily reach to more people and if implemented then it will be the first university of the country having 24-hours web audio presence. News, Advertisements, Notices etc. can be easily published using this site and there is also scope to use it as campus radio. Now, I am waiting for your comments. Your suggestions and ideas will help to improve the quality of the site. I would like to thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.


Kamanashis Biswas
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of CSE, CIS & CS
FSIT, Daffodil International University

Java Forum / Re: Java Swing
« on: August 07, 2010, 11:21:28 AM »
Dear Shahin,

Thanks for your reply. I would try my best to participate in this forum and keep in mind that I am also a learner. I would share my experiences if needed. Moreover, I would like to request other CSE faculties (Kaiser & Monir sir) to join in this forum as they are conducting object oriented programming. If they ask their students to participate here, then it will be fruitful for all of us.

With thanks-
Kamanashis Biswas

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