Samsung gets $160m off patent damages to Apple

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Offline sarwarmhaque

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Samsung gets $160m off patent damages to Apple
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:01:52 PM »
A Califorinia court has ordered Samsung to pay a further $290m to Apple for infringing payments, taking the total in damages to $840.

Although the payment is higher than Samsung was aiming for, it is $160m less than the original amount awarded in August 2012.

In the original trial, the court found Samsung guilty of infringing six Apple patents and awarded $1bn in damages in the most prominent of patent battles fought by the two companies.

But in March 2013, the judge in the original trial ordered a new trial to re-assess the $1bn award, saying the original jury had miscalculated.

Judge Lucy Koh said that $550m of the award had been worked out properly, but the remaining $450m should be re-assessed.
In the new hearing, Apple claimed it was still owed $379m, while Samsung said it owed just $52m, arguing that Apple had inflated the worth of its patents.

On the third day of deliberations, the jury sided with Apple by awarding a further $290m for Samsung’s infringement patents for key features in 13 of its own phones and tablets sold in the US.

While Samsung is expected to appeal, Apple issued a statement saying: "While it's impossible to put a price tag on those values, we are grateful to the jury for showing Samsung that copying has a cost."

Commentators said the verdict is a blow for Samsung, which is locked in legal battles with Apple in courtrooms in Europe, Australia, Asia and the US.

But patent lawyers believe that the battle is far from over because Apple and Samsung dominate the mobile handset market and own so many patents between them, according to the Guardian. 

Another, potentially bigger trial, between the two sides is scheduled for March 2014, when Apple will argue that Samsung's existing products infringe its patents.

Apple has also asked Judge Koh to consider a sales ban against all of the older Samsung models that used Apple's technology.

While Judge Koh has previously refused to issue such an injunction, the BBC reports that a separate US Appeals Court asked her to reconsider this week.

Source: Internet (Warwick Ashford, Computer Weekly)