Advice to the Diabetic Patient who wants to FAST during the Holy month of Ramada

Author Topic: Advice to the Diabetic Patient who wants to FAST during the Holy month of Ramada  (Read 1113 times)

Offline fatema_diu

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. General issues and advice to the Diabetic patient during Ramadan

•   One has to understand that the Type 1 and Type 2 (insulin dependent & non-insulin dependent) diabetes are different and that some of the Type 2 diabetic patients also require insulin treatment.
•   Most of the Type 2 diabetics should be able to fast without much problem but will need some adjustment in their treatment by their doctor.
•   Type 1 diabetics can also fast but need pre Ramadan assessment by their doctor / diabetic nurse specialist and advice on insulin regimen change or dose alteration
•   All diabetic patients should contact their doctors and diabetic specialist nurse to inform them about their intentions to fast, well before Ramadan begins, for an early diabetic assessment, treatment adjustments and dietary advice.
•   Good effects of Ramadan fasting on individuals are self-regulation, self-training, self discipline, increase inner peace and tranquillity. These may have beneficial effects in improving long term poor diabetic control, weight reduction, dietary habits improvement and stopping bad habits like smoking.
•   Monitor your diabetes regularly during the fast especially during the early days. Check your blood sugar before Sehri (pre-dawn meal), 3 hours after Sehri, before Iftar (breaking fast at sunset) and 3 hours after the Iftar, this monitoring will help you in making adjustments to your drug and insulin intakes.
•   Delay your sehri meal till the latest time and break your fast at the earliest time.
•   Avoid very sugary foods like sweet meat, sweet drinks and eat fresh fruit
•   Your fast does not break by checking blood glucose or by insulin injection.
•   If you are experiencing hypoglycaemic symptoms then it is advisable to break the fast and make up for it after Ramadan.