Tips to improve Oral Communication

Author Topic: Tips to improve Oral Communication  (Read 2053 times)

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Tips to improve Oral Communication
« on: July 23, 2014, 11:34:20 AM »
Starting from regular tête-à-tête to formal board room meetings , vocal communication is the most reliable form to convey your message effectively. Media professionals including news anchor to radio jockey (RJ), rely solely on their skills of captivating the audience’s attention via their overwhelming vocal interaction. Even sometimes visual and written messages may be ambiguous but oral communication is usually axiomatic  because of the synchronized coordination of the speaker’s gesture and tone. The appraisal of good oral communication is substantial especially in entrepreneurship. However mastering one’s vocal communication skills requires concentration  in the following aspects:


The way we pronounce words can create a significant impact on our listener. Good diction requires more than just clarity of voice but also ample knowledge of the accent used by the natives. Moreover coarse accent  reveals meager knowledge on vocabulary. If you are unaware of how a word is pronounced , then it worthwhile to restrain yourself from using it; as it would create prospects for others to correct  you. Working on the phonetics is a primary panacea.

Adjust speed

Usually due to trepidation we tend to speak faster than norm. Though it is a subconscious offset but is deplored for its underwhelming influence on the listener. The people would realize your apprehension and might not give a positive feedback. Stay tranquil while delivering your speech as it would aid you in adjusting to a moderate speed.

Be concise

An interminable speech does not have the tantamount effect as a clear concise speech. The listener gets perplexed amidst the avalanche of information  and might not be able to perceive the key content of the message . . Remember it is always the quality and not the quantity of work that creates the impact. However if you want to emphasize a key content in your message, then perpetual repetition might be effective.

Use pauses

To enhance the fidelity of your speech , use pauses at appropriate intervals . This will allow the listener to buy some time to comprehend your message. Also using  pauses will break the monotonous  speech and make it more interesting and lively. However extended  pauses may be misinterpreted with lack of knowledge on the topic.

Use Body language/ gesture

Use gestures while delivering a speech as it will allow the listener to appreciate your enthusiasm. Research has revealed that gestures used in interaction helps to increment the perception of the listener. Your gesture should   support the content of our speech as it enhances the effectiveness of the message being conveyed.

Eye Contact

The significance of  eye contact is made apparent in every  Business Communication class,  as it makes the impact  of the speech more influential. However it is easy said than done. The trick is to scan the vicinity of your listener; thereby creating the illusion that you are making eye contact. Constantly shift  your eyes laterally if you are delivering speech to a mass audience.
Md.Shahadat Hossain Mir
Senior Administrative officer
Department of Law
Daffodil International University
Campus -3 ( Prince Plaza)