Author Topic: PLASTIC – THE SILENT KILLER  (Read 790 times)

Offline imran986

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« on: June 06, 2015, 09:43:18 AM »
We all know that we should stay away from undesirable sustenance. The greater part of us is considered on what sort of water we drink and what sort of nourishment we devour. Two liters water every day and solid sustenance has turn into a guideline of most diet. We have a tendency to keep away from salty, greasy and sugary food and have a tendency to devour a lot of natural products & vegetables and filtered water.

PLASTIC – THE SILENT KILLER Check What Is Written At The Bottom Of The Plastic Packaging

In any case, the greater part of us doesn’t realize what stows away in the plastic holders. The fact of the matter is that the point of producers of nourishment and beverage items is to have higher income with their items rather than give us sound sustenance and drinks. That is the reason why you have to check what is composed on the base of every plastic bundle which shows exactly how unsafe plastic is.

We all buy water bottles every day. While we travel or go to work we take plastic bottles for water, or we even give to our kids to use them in school or kindergarten. Unfortunately, with taking water from plastic bottles we are damaging out health.The triangle with number in the center at the base of every pack demonstrates how hazardous the plastic really is.

Rundown of the things composed on the plastic holders alongside their properties:

HDP( sometimes HDPE)

This plastic is good one in light of the fact that it has minimum likelihood for discharges of chemicals into the water (doesn’t discharge chemicals). It is for the most part utilized for making plastic sacks for foodstuffs, not for plastic bottles.


This plastic emanates STYRENE inside the water, a cancer-causing substance. It is utilized for fast food packs and coffee glasses for single utilization.

PET( often PETE)

These plastic is discharging cancer-causing mixes. Moreover, it is conceivable to discharge substantial metals antimony and EPA synthetic substance. This substance meddles with the hormone capacity.

PC ( or no label)

This plastic emanates the concoction BPA and it is unquestionably the most exceedingly bad one. It is utilized for creation sport bottles, holders for nourishment stockpiling and unfortunately, for generation of containers for babies.

PVC(sometimes 3V)

This sort of plastic emanates two harmful elements. They together have affect on the capacity of hormones in our bodies. Tragically, it is the most used plastic utilized for bottles.


This is another “great” plastic. It is typically transparent or white. This plastic is utilized for yogurt bottles and syrups containers.

So to make a sum, the safe plastic (don’t emanate chemicals in the water) is the first and the last one, HDPE and PP. Consider the using of the other ones, or using glass bottles for water will be the best solution.
Md. Emran Hossain
Coordination Officer
Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE)
Daffodil International University