10 foods proven to cause kidney stones

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10 foods proven to cause kidney stones
« on: June 08, 2015, 10:49:57 AM »
Your kidneys play a vital role when it comes to filter waste from the body. Each day, these bodies on each side of the spine, filter more than 200 liters of blood and two quarters of waste prior to discharge from the body through urination.

Obviously healthy kidneys are essential for proper detoxification. However, some foods can cause kidney gravel and prevent these organs function optimally. Here are ten foods that promote the development of kidney gravel ...

1. Excessive Caffeine
Too much caffeine as coffee, tea, and soda can stress the kidneys and lead to the development of kidney gravel which are due to the high level of calcium in the urine, and even kidney failure due to the stimulating qualities which might cause exhausted bodies.

2. Rhubarb
If kidney gravel are hereditary, you should steer you clear to foods that contain oxalates (the material that constitutes the actual stones). Rhubarb is a food which is particularly characterized by a high level of oxalate.

3. Artificial sweetener
You probably use the artificial sweetener in your coffee instead of sugar to reduce calories. And perhaps you opt for diet soda for the same reason. However, studies show that non-caloric sweeteners affect renal function in case of long-term consumption. So it is better to opt for natural sweeteners like honey, agave or stevia instead.

4. Meat
Animal proteins are also linked to kidney gravel and organ damage. And those who consume a diet high in protein placed particular emphasis on their kidneys because the protein waste is difficult to remove. The meat is also high in uric acid, a common cause of kidney stones.

5. Sardines
If you are prone to kidney gravel, you will also need to reduce your diet all foods that are high in purines (an organic compound that boosts the flavor). Sardines are extremely guilty purine it does not follow that one top.

6. Salt
A good amount of sodium in your diet is necessary for healthy levels of liquid. However, adding salt to your diet via the salt shaker or processed foods encourage water retention, which means that excess sodium is not removed from the body and kidneys and blood pressure are made in jeopardy.

7. Soft Drinks
Carbonated beverages (eg, soda, energy drinks, juices and some bottled) increase the risk of developing kidney gravel and even put you at risk for kidney disease. As an alternative, if you can not drink your plain water, use frozen berries, lemon slices, or some natural cranberry or pomegranate juice.

8. Some vegetable leaves
We have already discussed that kidney stones form due to calcium oxalate accumulation. And those who have a high level of chemical component in the urine are more prone to stones. This is why it is essential to stay away leaves some green vegetables such as spinach, okra, and Swiss chard.

9. Dairy Products
We eat dairy products because they are rich in calcium to build strong bones. However, for people prone to kidney stones, calcium is not a friend. In fact, it increases calcium excretion in the urine, making removal more difficult waste and encouraging kidney stones to form.

10. Processed Foods
Most processed foods such as potato chips bag you eat contain genetically ingredients such as corn, soybeans, rice, and canola to protect cultivations against pests and herbicides modified. However, these products are harmful to health, affecting liver function and kidney and encourage the creation kidney stones.
Md. Emran Hossain
Coordination Officer
Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE)
Daffodil International University