Problems of entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.

Author Topic: Problems of entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.  (Read 11006 times)

Offline Shah Alam Kabir Pramanik

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Problems of entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:51:42 PM »
In Bangladesh there is no abundance facilities for developing entrepreneurship rather exist a large number of obstacles, which are liable for not developing entrepreneurs in Bangladesh described in below.

1. Improper publicity of Govt. facilities: Sometimes Govt. provides facilities for developing entrepreneurs in limited basis. Those have not informed properly to the remote villagers. Therefore, these facilities cannot work well. Some urban centered people accept the facilities that are not all for developing entrepreneurs all over the country. So this is one of the fundamental obstacles.

2. Insufficient arrangement for pre-investment advice: Pre-investment advice is essential to ensure best use of investment. In our country there is no sufficient arrangement of pre-investment advice for this reason most of entrepreneur can’t study market feasibility for the product and business. Demand for the product in market, possibility of gaining profit etc. with the lack of this study most of the entrepreneur can’t operate their activities successfully. Many of them fail in their initial activities.

3. Lack of required financing: This is the fundamental problem of developing entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. Here, entrepreneurs faces problem in collecting required working capital and fixed capital most of the financing organization demand for supporting papers and apply rigid condition as a result most of the entrepreneurs can’t get required capital to operate their activities smoothly. Working capital, fixed capital and capital for expansion of business of business.

4. Scarcity of raw materials and other factors of production: In our country there is an immense shortage of basic raw materials to operate industrial activities smoothly such as skilled manpower technology capital and so on, for why the have to import basis raw materials and supplementary factors of production that increase the cost of production. As a result entrepreneur can’t take initiative to establish industrial organization smoothly.

5. Problem in marketing produced product: Now a day marketing of the product has become an important task in business that largely exists in our country. In open market economy, product of the home and foreign countries are compete each other in same market. Usually quality products capture the market. Because of different problem and lack of factors of production our entrepreneur can’t produce or hardly produce quality product as developed country. For reason, now a day, they face marketing problem greatly for every product.

6. Lack of training: Training is essential to work efficiently and effectively in any field. Training is a practical experience regarding job that is necessary to increase efficiency and productivity. In our country, there is no available training center to provide training in developing entrepreneurs. As a result, people cannot come ahead to take initiative that is an obstacle to develop entrepreneurship.

7. Lack of package help:  In develop country, Govt. and non- govt. sector provide package help for developing industrial sector. In includes, technical help, (technical men and technology), raw materials, working capital and so on. These are helpful in creating entrepreneurship as well as industry. But in our country, there is no abundance package help that is very essential for developing entrepreneurship. So it is another problem of developing entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.

8. Lack of knowledge regarding technology and management: In developed country, most of the business and industries are technology oriented and they follow modern management technique. Those are helpful in developing dynamic entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, in our country there is little scope of technology and modern management. Besides, we also have not proper knowledge regarding those matters.

For going are the obstacles or problem in developing entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.