Top 40 of the Best Excel Shortcuts You Need to Know

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Offline rkmasud

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Top 40 of the Best Excel Shortcuts You Need to Know
« on: May 04, 2016, 11:07:14 AM »
F2 : Edit selected cell
F4 : Repeat last edit
F9 : Calculates all worksheets
F11 : New chart
ALT : Access the ribbon for formulas
ALT + = : Automatically SUM() selected
ALT + Enter : Start a new line in the same cell
ALT + o-c-a : Auto size columns
PG + UP/PG+DOWN : Go to next/previous worksheet
CTRL + ` : Display Formulas
CTRL + Backspace : Show active cell
CTRL + Shift + # : Change Date format with day, month and year.
CTRL + K : To insert Hyperlink.
CTRL+ Shift + $ : Applies the currency format to the selected cells.
CTRL + Shift + & : Applies border to cells
CTRL + B : Bold
CTRL + I : Italics
CTRL + U : Underline
CTRL + Shift + ~ : General style number
CTRL + Shift + $ : Currency style number
CTRL + Shift + % : Percentage style Number
CTRL + Shift + ^  : Scientific notation style
CTRL + Shift + # :  Date style
CTRL + Shift + @ : Time Style
CTRL + Shift +! : Number Style
CTRL + F12 : Open
CTRL + Spacebar : Select the entire column
CTRL + [ : Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection
CTRL + ; : Insert actual date in active cell
CTRL + : : Insert actual time in active cell
CTRL + A : Select All
CTRL + Shift + J : List Constants
CTRL + D : Copy equation down
CTRL + F : Find
CTRL + H : Find&Replace
CTRL + Right arrow : Move right
CTRL + Left arrow : Move left
CTRL + Up arrow : Move up
CTRL + Down arrow : Move down
CTRL + Enter : Same data in multiple cells
Shift + Spacebar : Select the entire row
Shift + F3 : Find Previous

Using some of these shortcuts can seem tedious at first, but as soon as you get the motions down, it can speed up your work pace by a lot! If we missed anything, or you just want to share your favorite Excel shortcut, let us know in the comments!
Md. Rezaul Karim Masud
Senior Assistant Director ( F & A) and
Income Tax adviser (ITP)
Daffodil International University