Bye Bye Belly Bloat! These 5 Simple Tips Can Help Flatten Your Stomach Starting

Author Topic: Bye Bye Belly Bloat! These 5 Simple Tips Can Help Flatten Your Stomach Starting  (Read 1191 times)

Offline rima.eee

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Balloons aren’t attractive, and by “balloons” we mean bloated bellies. Some people just won’t even look at their bloated body parts, because it’s so unattractive and quite unpleasant to look at.

So, try our simple tips on how to reduce bloating, and become hot again.

Cut off salt
Remove everything that’s too salty. Salt leads to water retention, and harms the water-electrolyte balance in the body. Yes, that’s what makes you bloated all the time.

Stay away from processed food, salty snacks, frozen meals, fast food, and other foods that contain “hidden” salt.

Don’t overseason you food, and you will soon look and feel better.

Drink “tons” of water
Water helps the body release stored cellular fluid, and reduces bloating. Plus, if you feel thirsty all the time, it’s your body that’s in desperate need for water.

The purest liquid on planet Earth plays major role in every biological process, so try to drink more of it. Don’t know what’s the right amount of water? Drink just as half as you weigh in ounces. So, if you’re 140 lbs, drink 70 ounces of water every day, and respect that rule.

Chewing gums aren’t your friends
Gums make you swallow more air, and why would you do anything like that? Sugar-free gums are the worst scam out there, so stay away from these, too.

Avoid sodas
You may be dying for a big cup of Coke, but those bubbles won’t leave your intestines right away. Avoid sodas if you are bloated. No, diet soda isn’t a better option. It’s worse.

Artificial sugar is your enemy
Sugar alcohol, sugar substitutes, and “natural” sugar make you bloated, and harm your digestive system. You don’t need any of that diet soda, chewing gums, candies, protein bars, etc.

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that’s somewhat healthier that other sugars. It has a minimal effect on blood sugar, and leaves insulin levels intact. Even its excessive consumption won’t cause any harm to your body, except for the low risk of digestive problems.

Follow these tips, and you will feel much better. Now you can zip up your favorite jeans without being ashamed of your “balloon.”
