The Student-Developed Quiz (or Exam): Scaffolding Higher-Order Thinking

Author Topic: The Student-Developed Quiz (or Exam): Scaffolding Higher-Order Thinking  (Read 738 times)

Offline Nazia Nishat

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This Teaching Tip outlines one procedure for having
students build their own quiz. This procedure was
designed for a large undergraduate classroom. The
steps are as follows:
Step 1: Approximately two class periods before the
quiz or exam, instructors should provide a brief in-class
review of the material to be covered on the quiz or exam.
Then, give each student an index card, preferably a card
that is at least four inches by six inches. Instruct students
to create one potential quiz question each, and to write
that question on the notecard. The question may be of
any format (i.e., multiple choice, true/false, essay, etc.).
Students must also write the answer. Students may
work alone or in pairs, but must write their name on the
card. When finished, students turn in the index cards to
the instructor. The cards can be used to note attendance
and/or award participation points.
Step 2: During the next class period, the instructor
can use the students’ suggested questions to help
students prepare for the quiz or exam. This can be done
by displaying the best questions on a PowerPoint and
discussing the answers as a class. The instructor should
take care to praise the students’ questions and to note
any patterns the instructor observed when reviewing the
students’ questions. For example, the instructor might
note that many of the questions revolved around a
particular topic or theme, or that none
Step 3: Develop and administer the quiz. In developing
the quiz, the instructor will want to use as many of
the students’ suggested questions on the quiz as possible.
Of course, the instructor may edit, adapt, and/or
combine the students’ suggestions as needed.
Step 4: During the class period immediately following
the quiz, ask students about their experience developing
and, then, taking the quiz. Some students will
appreciate the learning challenge and will feel a sense
of accomplishment. Some students will appreciate the
shift in dynamic from teacher-driven assessment to student-
driven assessment. Other students will be uncomfortable
with this process and the ambiguity inherent in
such a shift in roles. Take care to encourage both positive
and negative responses, and to validate all students’