A little child is getting his mother sleeping. The child does not want to sleep. Her mother tried to make her sleep by threatening the tiger and the bear. The child was afraid and asked, 'Where is the tiger and bear?'
The mother said, 'We are sitting in our blossom. Tigers and bears will catch you when you do not sleep. '
The child fell asleep in fear of his mother hearing this.
The next day the child was playing with parents in a garden. Suddenly, the child thought that the tiger and bear were hiding behind the flowering grapes. At the same time he stopped the game and went inside the house. If the child's mother wants to bring him to garden, the child said, 'There are tigers and bears there. I will not play there. '
Even after trying hard, parents could not take him to the garden.
When we were young, we were just like the child. When someone threatened the tiger and lion, he would fall asleep with fear. Sometimes I was afraid of cats.
Now we are young. I have grown up. The fear of that tiger-bear-bear is not afraid of us now. But the word 'fear' is still inside us.
Before starting any work we are afraid of failure. And if someone enters our ears that it is not possible by you, then he does not consider moving forward. From my own experience, we are the youngest of those young people, we are afraid of simple issues. We are so scared that we kill our hidden "talent" by ourselves.
Just think, the things you feared about in childhood-were really a matter of fear? Do not they seem real now.
Just like the things you are afraid of now, after a while you will feel, I got freedom about it.
Let us apply the experience of childhood and trust it we have to win the fear.