weird science fact 2.

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weird science fact 2.
« on: May 23, 2018, 11:39:57 AM »
1. If blood vessels were made to lay end to end, together they would encircle the Earth twice, by stretching up to a distance of about 100,000 kilometers.

2. The human brain, which is the core of the central nervous system and a miraculous creation of nature, can process as many as 70,000 thoughts in a day!

3. Seahorses reproduce in a weird way. It is the male seahorses that get pregnant and give birth to the offspring. A male seahorse can give birth to just one to as many as two thousand fry at one time. One pregnancy lasts for about two to four weeks. When the fry are ready to be born, the male seahorse undergoes muscular contractions to expel the offspring from its pouch.

4. Polar bears can run about 25 miles an hour and jump to about 6 feet in air. Polar bear fur consists of a layer of thick under-fur covered by an outer layer of guard hair. The guard hair appear in shades of white to tan but are actually transparent.

5. On an average, a person accidentally eats about 430 bugs in each year of his/her life. Weird. Isn't it?
Md. Mahmodul Islam
Department of Pharmacy
Daffodil International University