Islamic Stories-II

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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #75 on: November 08, 2012, 04:57:17 PM »
First Words of a Little Girl


The following incident was mentioned by a Shaikh from Toronto, Canada. The incident is about his 18 months old daughter. The shaikh also has a son who is about 3 years old. The shaikh has already started teaching the young son about Quran and ahadith without wasting any time. Mashallah, the boy has already memorized surah Fatiha and various other surahs. One day, his young daughter who is only 18 months old was sitting beside the son while he was asked to recite surah Fatiha by the shaikh. This little girl is pronouncing her first words clearly in these days. Now, when the son recited the 5th verse of surah Fatiha untill "Ihdina Sirat...", the small girl suddenly said "Al Mustaqim" and completed the verse. Subhanallah! How blessed is this child whose first words are among the words of the Holy Quran, which she learned through her father when he was teaching her brother.

It is very important to teach Islam to our children in their early childhood. We can easily bend trees in any direction when they are still small. But when the trees become big and tall, 10 people pushing together is unable to bend them. Similarly, teaching the children when they are young is necessary so that they go towards the right direction.
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #76 on: November 08, 2012, 04:58:24 PM »

Punishment of a Liar


Narrated Anas: There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat-al-Baqara and Al-Imran, and he used to write (the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on he returned to Christianity again and he used to say: "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." Then Allah caused him to die, and the people buried him, but in the morning they saw that the earth had thrown his body out. They said, "This is the act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug the grave of our companion and took his body out of it because he had run away from them." They again dug the grave deeply for him, but in the morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. They said, "This is an act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug the grave of our companion and threw his body outside it, for he had run away from them." They dug the grave for him as deep as they could, but in the morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. So they believed that what had befallen him was not done by human beings and had to leave him thrown (on the ground).

Source: Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 814.
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #77 on: November 08, 2012, 04:59:14 PM »
Tragic Death of Two Friends


Here is a true incident of two Muslim friends who died in an accident. The incident took place in 2001 in Toronto, Canada. One of the brothers who died was our neighbour. His name was Samanthar. He was a teenager and had great dreams for the future. We would visit him sometimes to talk about the purpose of life. Due to the pressure from friends, he would always say "Insha-Allah" and hope to start doing things in the near future. Then one day, it all came to an end. Brother Samanthar along with another brother was driving a car at night around 9:00 p.m. At one place, they stopped the car as the traffic light turned red. Far behind them was a police car that was chasing a stolen van. The van came really fast and hit Samanthar's car from the back. Instantly, the two brothers passed away. May Allah forgive them and cover them with His mercy.

Everyone, mainly the youth, should take a lesson from this incident that death is unpredictable. No one should delay practicing Islam for a later time as that time may never come. Let's make a strong commitment to start today. May Allah make it easy.
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #78 on: November 08, 2012, 04:59:59 PM »

Leaving Empty Handed


In Shadharat adh-Dhahab it is related that one of the kings of Buwaih Dynasty, Fakhr ad-Daulah, said "I collected enough wealth for my children and their army to suffice for them for fifteen years to come."

But when he died, the keys to his treasures were with his sons who ignored his funeral. Consequently, the people searched for an appropriate cover for him. They eventually bought one from the caretaker of the mosque. All the while his sons and soldiers bickered among themselves until his corpse rotted.

When the disputing was over, the people had to lasso his corpse and pull it from a distance because of its horrid smell. As they pulled his corpse, it fell apart on the stairway of his castle.

Here was a king who owned a great portion of the worldly life, a legacy of two million dinars, eight hundred and fifty six thousand dirhams, and a sensational amount of 14,000 pieces of jewels, gems, pearls, diamonds, and gold. This is not to mention leaving behind incredible amounts of silverware, furniture, weapons and carpets.

But when he died no one attended to him, with nothing to cover him with except what they could scavenge from the caretaker of the mosque. This is the reality of this life. We come to this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed. Indeed, the wisest person is he who prepares himself for the afterlife by obeying Allah in the best of manners.
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #79 on: November 08, 2012, 05:06:13 PM »
A Youth's Search For Truth


Some time ago there was a young boy by the name of Amsa. Amsa lived in a little house with his mother Mariah and little brother Joshua. Amsa worked hard everyday, listened to his mother, and often from time to time he would go to the little mosques in town. The other boys in town would often make fun of Amsa because instead of playing tag and throwing rocks in the pond he would have much rather want to peer into the door of the mosque where he would silently study and observe the men as they prayed on there little carpets 5 times a day. This fascinated Amsa a lot he wanted to pray just like the men he observed, but he knew that his friends and family would object. So one day Amsa just stopped sneaking to the door of the mosque and started throwing rocks in the pond like the other boys did. Years passed and Amsa had a family and became a good Muslim man but he never told his family that he had became Muslim in fear of what they would say. But one day he went to visit his mother and little brother and he noticed that Joshua wasn't playing with the other boys instead he would go to the mosque and peek into the door just as Amsa had did as a child. Seeing this amazed Amsa so much that he had cried out to Allah in happiness. Amsa immediately took Joshua by the hand and Joshua could see the visible tears in Amsa's eyes. Amsa told Joshua all about Islam in that day and Joshua immediately joined Islam the same day.

Allah has done something so wonderful for Amsa Allah gave Amsa the gift of teaching Islam to his little brother.

- by Aminah.
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #80 on: November 08, 2012, 05:06:55 PM »
Why She Became A Muslim


Shaikh Khidir, a Khateeb in Toronto, narrated the following conversion incident of a woman during a Friday sermon last year. He mentioned that a Non-Muslim woman moved to a Muslim country for some business purposes. As she stayed among the Muslims and saw their lifestyle, she was impressed and wanted to learn more about Islam. As a result, she started borrowing books from the local library about Islam. A Muslim lady in the library used to ask her often if she was convinced to become a Muslim yet. She would reply that the time hasn't come yet. One day as she got some books from the library and was walking back home, the iqamah for coming to the prayer was called in a masjid across the road. She observed that a person who was sweeping the floor had left his work and stood on the line to pray and right beside him stood a rich man who came to the masjid driving a very expensive car. At that moment, she decided to become a Muslim as she was greatly impressed by seeing that in Islam there is no difference between the rich and the poor when they stood in front of Allah.

"O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. one of the Muttaqun (pious)]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." Holy Quran, Surah Al-Hujuraat, 49:13
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #81 on: November 08, 2012, 05:07:35 PM »
A Crocodile Testifies


It is related that an Arab who was a huntsman had caught a land-crocodile, which he was carrying to his house as food for his family and children. While he was on the way, he suddenly perceived a large gathering of people and asked for the cause of it. The people replied "Muhammad, the son of 'Abdullah (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is here and claims to be a prophet." The Arab forcibly entered the crowd, went up to Muhammad, and said "Ya Muhammad, I shall not believe you until this crocodile believes," and threw the land-crocodile at Rasulullah's feet; but it wanted to run away; therefore his holy and prophetic lordship (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) exclaimed "Lizard, approach." The animal obeyed, replying in eloquent and distinct language "I await your commands with pleasure." His lordship asked "Whom worshippest thou?" The animal replied "I worship Allah, whose throne is in heaven whose dominion is on earth, whose power is in the sea, whose mercy is in paradise, and whose punishment is in hell." Rasulullah asked, "Who am I?" The animal said, "You are the Rasul of the Lord of both worlds and the seal of Prophets; blessings be on you! Whoever believes you will be saved, and whoever accuses you of falsehood will be damned." When the huntsman heard these words of the crocodile he took the finger of astonishment between the teeth of meditation, and said "After this I wish for no other proof of your veracity. I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that you are His servant and his Rasul. This profession I now make externally and internally. I swear by Allah that when I first approached you, there was no man on the face of the earth whom I hated more than you' now, however, I love you more than my own eyes, ears, father, mother, and children. His holy and prophetic lordship (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) replied, "Thanks and praises be to Allah, who has shown you the right way."

Source: From Rawza Tas-Safa by El-Shaykh Syed Mubarak Ali Al-Jilani Al-Hashmi

Nusrat Jahan
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Daffodil International University

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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #82 on: November 08, 2012, 05:08:25 PM »
A Rainy Miracle


Narrated Anas: A man came to the Prophet on a Friday while he (the Prophet) was delivering a sermon at Medina, and said, "There is lack of rain, so please invoke your Lord to bless us with the rain." The Prophet looked at the sky when no cloud could be detected. Then he invoked Allah for rain. Clouds started gathering together and it rained till the Medina valleys started flowing with water. It continued raining till the next Friday. Then that man (or some other man) stood up while the Prophet was delivering the Friday sermon, and said, "We are drowned; Please invoke your Lord to withhold it (rain) from us" The Prophet smiled and said twice or thrice, "O Allah! Please let it rain round about us and not upon us." The clouds started dispersing over Medina to the right and to the left, and it rained round about Medina and not upon Medina. Allah showed them (the people) the miracle of His Prophet and His response to his invocation.

Source: Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Number 115

Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #83 on: November 08, 2012, 05:09:02 PM »
Death of a Friend


Ferdows Ahmed was one of our close friends who died last week on this day (Sunday June 29, 2003) at the age of 35. He recently got married and had one son. Even just a few days ago, he was playing with his little son in front of us. One day he approached us and said that someone asks him strange questions from the unseen. We wanted to know what type of questions he hear but he only mentioned one of them which is "Who is your God?" Soon after, he started offering his salah regularly and participated in various Islamic events. Then came the day when he is to breath his last. He came home from work at around 5 p.m. and told his family that he wasn't feeling good. He ate some food and went to the washroom. There he vomitted but made wudhu to perform salah. As he approached his bedroom, the angel of death came and took his life. He fell on the ground lifeless. Everyone was in utter shock after hearing about his demise. No one knew that he would die at this early age. As we were washing his dead body, we realized how short this life could be. His doctor told him even few days before that he had no disease. However, death doesn't rely upon any disease or accident. It depends on the command of Allah. Anytime it could come and take our lives. My friends, take warning from this incident and prepare for death before it comes.

Please remember to pray for his forgiveness.
Nusrat Jahan
Assistant Professor
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Daffodil International University

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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #84 on: November 08, 2012, 05:14:19 PM »
A man argues that wine should be halal


A man came to Iyas Ibn Mu'awiyah, a Muslim judge famous for his wisdom, and the following conversation took place between them:

Man: What is the Islamic ruling regarding wine?

Judge: It is Haram (Forbidden).

Man: How about water?

Judge: It is Halal (Permissible).

Man: How about dates and grapes?

Judge: They are Halal.

Man: Why is it that all these ingredients are Halal, and yet when you combine them, they become Haram?

The judge looked at the man and said: If I hit you with this handful of dirt, do you think it would hurt you?

Man: It would not.

Judge: How about if I hit you with this handful of straw?

Man: It would not hurt me.

Judge: How about a handful of water?

Man: It surely would not hurt me.

Judge: How about if I mix them, and let them dry to become a brick, and then hit you with it, would it hurt you?

Man: It would hurt me and might even kill me!

Judge: The same reasoning applies to what you asked me!!

Nusrat Jahan
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Daffodil International University

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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #85 on: November 08, 2012, 05:15:13 PM »
Horse of Paradise


Hadrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA) reports that a desert Arab came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and submitted: "O Prophet of Allah, I am very fond of horses. Will there be horses in heaven?" The Holy Prophet observed: "If you were sent to Paradise, you would be given a horse made of emerald. The horse will have two wings. You would mount the horse and it would fly you to where ever it might be your pleasure to go." Source: Tirmidhi.

This horse will be an aircraft in Heaven. The worldly aircraft is designed like a fish, whereas the heavenly aircraft will be in the form of a horse. The worldly aircraft is made of aluminum; the heavenly aeroplane will be made of emerald! (Comments from "Spectacle of Death").

Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #86 on: November 08, 2012, 05:16:12 PM »
Desire to Die for Allah


When the news of the crusader army (Christians) that had prepared on the horizons to wipe out Islam reached him, Abu Qudaamah Ash-Shaamee moved quickly to the Mimbar of the Masjid. In a powerful and emotional speech, Abu Qudaamah ignited the desire of the community to defend their land, Jihad for the sake of Allah. As he left the Masjid, walking down a dark and secluded alley, a women stopped him and said, "As salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaah!"

Abu Qudaamah stopped and did not answer. She repeated her salam again, adding "this is not how pious people should act." She stepped forward from the shadows. "I heard you in the Masjid encouraging the believers to go for Jihad and all I have is this." She handed him two long braids. "It can be used for a horse rein. Perhaps Allah may write me as one of those who went for Jihaad."

The next day as that Muslim village set out to confront the crusader army, a young boy ran through the gathering and stood at the hooves of Abu Qudaamah's horse. "I ask you by Allah to allow me to join the army." Some of the elder fighters laughed at the boy. "The horses will trample you," they said. But Abu Qudaamah looked down into his eyes as he asked again, "I ask you by Allah, let me join." Abu Qudaamah then said, "On one condition, if you are killed, you will take me to Jannah with you amongst those who you will be allowed to intercede for." That young boy smiled and said "It's a promise."

When the two armies met and the fighting intensified, the young boy on the back of Abu Qudaamah's horse asked, "I ask you by Allah to give me 3 arrows." "You'll lose them!" The boy repeated, "I ask you by Allah to give me them." Abu Qudaamah gave him the arrows and the boy took aim. "Bismillaah!" The arrow flew and killed a Roman. "Bismillaah!" The second arrow flew, killing a second Roman. "Bismillaah!" The third arrow flew, killing a third Roman. An arrow then struck the boy in the chest - knocking him off the horse. Abu Qudaamah jumped down to his side, reminding the boy in his final breaths, "Don't forget the promise!" The boy reached into his pocket, extracted a pouch and said, "Please return this to my mother." "Who's your mother?" asked Abu Qudaamah. "The woman who gave you the braids yesterday."

Source: Extracted from the lecture by Muhammad Al-Shareef.

Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #87 on: November 08, 2012, 05:17:02 PM »
Upon Her Return


There was a young man in Damascus who planned to leave his country to study. His mother was very caring and supportive of him. She raised him alone through toil and hardship. And, at last, she felt that after all the hard work--she was proud of her son as any mother would.

"Ah! The joys of motherhood!" she said to herself. The pleasure of staring at this little man, who once held onto her dress begging to be carried and to be tightly clenched by her arms. She recalled the days when he was small and helpless, and yet there he was--embarking on a journey to be the man he was raised to be.

The young man's flight was scheduled to leave early in the morning, thus his mother prepared food and all that was needed for this long trip. Her acts of kindness and loyalty displayed his mother endearing love for him. His excitement as a young man, and her hopefulness as a proud mother, is something we can all relate to.

That morning, she heard over the news that there was a storm headed their way. Out of fear that her son might die on this journey, she decided not to wake him. Instead she left early for the market hoping to surprise him with his favorite food later that morning.

Upon her return, she called out his name in anticipation and excitement--for she had a few more days with him before he would continue on with this journey. But to no avail, there was no response from him. Allah had taken his soul away and he died in his sleep that morning. Story obtained from Al Qaseem Newspaper.

Allah Ta'ala says: Say (to them): 'Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet you, then you will be sent back to (Allah), the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do.' Al Quran [62:8]
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #88 on: November 08, 2012, 05:18:46 PM »
Three Solid Truths


Once, a person was verbally abusing Abu Bakr (RA) while the Prophet (SAW) was curiously watching with a smile. After taking much abuse quietly, Abu Bakr responded to a few of his comments. At this, the Prophet exhibited his disapproval, got up and left. Abu Bakr caught up with the Prophet and wondered, 'O Messenger of Allaah, he was abusing me and you remained sitting. When I responded to him, you disapproved and got up.' The Messenger of Allaah responded,

'There was an angel with you responding to him. When you responded to him, Shaytaan took his place.'

He then said,

'O Abu Bakr, there are three solid truths: If a person is wronged and he forbears it (without seeking revenge) just for the sake of Allaah (SWT), Allaah will honour him and give him the upper hand with His help; if a person opens a door of giving gifts for cementing relationships with relatives, Allaah will give him abundance; and, if a person opens a door of seeking charity for himself to increase his wealth, Allaah will further reduce his wealth.'

Reported from Aboo Hurairah in Mishkaah and Musnad Ahmad.
Nusrat Jahan
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Re: Islamic Stories-II
« Reply #89 on: November 08, 2012, 05:20:01 PM »

Doctor Dies, Patient Lives


The following incident was narrated by a well known preacher of this age known as Colonel Sayed Amir Uddin, currently a Canadian resident. Over 6,000 Non-Muslims have accepted Islam through him.

He narrates: I visited a friend in a hospital who had severe cancer. While I was there, a doctor came and gave him the bad news that he will live for only one more week. Then the doctor left to get some medicines for him. As the doctor was going down the stairs, he slipped and fell down the stairs. He was seriously injured and died on that day. On the other hand, my friend who was suppose to die in one week lived for three more years!

This incident shows that death is unpredictable. Today we hear about hundreds of people dieing around us but Satan tells you and me that let them die, you have a long way to go.
Nusrat Jahan
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Daffodil International University