Needs and purposes of library classification

Author Topic: Needs and purposes of library classification  (Read 2264 times)

Offline Md. shahdul Islam

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Needs and purposes of library classification
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:52:26 PM »
Need of Library Classification

A  library acquires books for use, which are arranged in a manner so that their utility increases to the optimum level and library classification aims to achieve the same objective. If the collection in the library is small, running into few hundreds only, a librarian would be able to lay his hand on a required document immediately without any problem. There would be no need for a systematic arrangement. When the collection grows beyond a few hundred, a librarian would find it difficult to lay his hand on a required document. In order to provide an effective reference service, it is essential that documents are arranged systematically which would also save the time of the reference staff and that of readers themselves. Library Classification is a technique, which helps in the organization of the documents and information so that the user can use the resources of information effectively.

Purposes of Classification
•   To short things into classes by principle or characteristic; to class for convenience or usefulness
•   To bring system out of disorder and confusion of things
•   Classification by resemblance and separation by difference 
•   Classified collection provides a subject reading list
•   Systematic open shelf explanatory to readers
•   Classified collection makes book exhibition convenient
•   Enables easy arrangement of books and entries and analysis of books
Md. Shahidul Islam
Library Officer
Daffodil International University
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Phone: 01985764423
Hon's and Masters from Dhaka University (DU)
PGD in Computer Science from Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)