Workshop on "Building Awareness on Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SA

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Workshop on "Building Awareness on Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SACs of IQAC of DIU"
A workshop on "Building Awareness on Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SACs of IQAC of DIU" was held on March 27, 2019 at Conference Room, DT-4, Daffodil International University (DIU). The programme was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of DIU. The event aims to provide orientation and proper guideline on Self-Assessment Process Flow for 9 (nine) SA Departments, which are as: Department of: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Multimedia & Creative Technology, Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Tourism & Hospitality Management, Public Health, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Development Studies, Information Science and Library Management. Conveners and members of 9 SA Committee were present.

 Professor Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Director, IQAC, Daffodil International University has conducted the program and presented the key note, based on the theme: ‘Building Awareness on Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SACs, IQAC, DIU’. At the beginning, he has introduced the incumbent Additional Director of IQAC, DIU, Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin, Associate Professor, Department of GED, DIU with the distinguished participants, attended the event. At his presentation, he has explained the importance of quality education for Higher Education Institute and depicted the necessity and importance of introducing QA system for all departments. Citing the example, he has also focused comparative analysis of national and international QA systems. While rendering his presentation, Director, IQAC showed the graphical presentation of structural framework of overall IQAC and SAC activities and the Self-Assessment Process Flow of 5 years cycle. He has talked on several vital issues of Self-Assessment and other related areas like: SA Criteria and SA Standards, Stakeholders representation, Objectives and Outcomes of SA Exercise, Strategic Approach (PDCA Approach) of IQAC, DIU, Responsibilities of SAC and IQAC. In addition to the process flow, he also shared the experiences with EPR Team. To stress on second agenda, Director, IQAC, DIU also talked on ‘Methodology to Establish a Monitoring System for Assessment of Standard of the Question Papers of All Departments of DIU’ and explained the general objectives and Terms of References (ToRs) of the committee. He has also requested Sac members to visit IQAC website where they can get all updated information regarding QA domain. Professor. Dr. Haque also shared the functions of IQAC with National Quality Framework of Bangladesh (NQFB).

After summing up of his presentation, he has invited the floor for discussion. Convenors and SA Members took participation at the discussion and they have talked on various issues on QA activities and other areas like evaluation of teacher by the student etc,
Professor Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Director, IQAC, DIU has also requested the SA-C of 9 SA departments, to start their survey questionnaire related tasks from 01 April, 2019 and cover their activities like arranging workshops/seminars through PR section of DIU.
Director, IQAC wrapped-up the programme by extending his thanks to all of them for attending the event, in a befitting manner.

Nafees Imtiaz Islam
Deputy Director, IQAC, DIU and
Ph.D. Candidate in International Trade
University of Dhaka

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