International Mother Language Day

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International Mother Language Day
« on: February 19, 2020, 02:54:53 PM »
21st february, 1952: Dawn of a Nation

21st February could’ve been an ordinary day. But it’s not. Back on February 21st of 1952 everything changed. An ordinary day turned out to be the day that created history. The day we Bengalis told the Pakistani hyenas we’re not meant to be ruled, told the world we’ll fight for our voices. No one tells us what we say, how we say; It’s us who decide what we say, how we say.

On 21st February of 1952 we might have protested for our voices and language but it was the day that planted the seeds of victory and independence of our nation. And the seeds were watered by the blood of Rafik, Salam, Jabbar and many more who sacrificed their lives for the language Bangla, the sweet, beautiful mother tongue of ours. When it comes to our independence people may say 1969 to 1971 were the years that led us to be an independent nation but it was 21st February of 1952 that has the heaviest impacts in our existence. It showed the hyenas they can’t do whatever they want to us and that made them uncomfortable, desperate to take control over us. That was the moment they lost.

21st February may be celebrated as a mourning day but the thing is it was a moment of glory, moment of a new sun’s rising. A sun that went on to give birth to a new nation, a new country. It showed the world what happens when you try to snitch away a nation’s voice.
The event of 21st February changed the way our culture is. As language is one of most fundamental elements for a culture to blossom. They tried to take away the most important thing, our beloved Bangla language and it would’ve handicaped our culture to die. But we rescued our language, our culture. If it wasn’t for the day there wouldn’t be a Bangla language, Bangla literature, no presence of Bengali nation. It increased our love for Bangla even more. 21st February has been inspiration for many songs, poems, drama and novels. Bangla language tells us not to be ashamed of what we are, who we are. Let’s not think of our culture and language for granted or less in any part but more as we are the only nation to fight for it’s mother tongue. Our movement impacted the whole world as they celebrate their respective languages on the day of 21st February. This achievement is not only for ours, it’s for every nation, every tribe that are struggling to find their voices and themselves. If we look at our culture we can see and feel the importance of our mother tongue, the peace in speaking Bangla.

Let’s celebrate the day, feel proud and respect every language, every nation, every culture and remember the people that sacrificed their lives. May they live forever in the history of the nation. Even though we may have our own language still some of us find it difficult to speak, afraid to raise our voices. Let’s celebrate this great international mother language day every day and take oath to help each other find our voices against racism, corruption and other social problems that’s holding back this great nation.