Microsoft Offers Rewards of Up to $20,000 in New Xbox Bug Bounty Program

Author Topic: Microsoft Offers Rewards of Up to $20,000 in New Xbox Bug Bounty Program  (Read 1085 times)

Offline maruf.swe

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Program is the latest the tech giant has launched that pay users and security researchers to find vulnerabilities in its numerous products.

Microsoft is offering rewards of up to $20,000 for finding vulnerabilities in its Xbox gaming platform through its latest bug bounty program unveiled this week.

The Xbox Bounty Program is open to gamers, security researchers and basically anyone who can help the tech giant identify security vulnerabilities in the Xbox Live network and services and share them with the Xbox team, Chloé Brown, a Microsoft Security Response Center program manager, said in a blog post Thursday.

“Since launching in 2002, the Xbox network has enabled millions of users to share their common love of gaming on a safe and secure service,” she wrote in the post. “The bounty program supplements our existing investments in security development and testing to uncover and remediate vulnerabilities which have a direct and demonstrable impact on the security of Xbox customers.”

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