Electronic record management system (ERMS)

Author Topic: Electronic record management system (ERMS)  (Read 2399 times)

Offline Monnaf Sarkar

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Electronic record management system (ERMS)
« on: March 14, 2020, 08:21:48 PM »
Electronic record management system:

An ERMS is defined as an automated, electronic document and records management system that enables organisations to manage unstructured information captured in paper and electronic formats, such as emails, word processed and spreadsheet contents.

The basic components of an ERMS:

1. Repository
2. Folder structure
3. Classification, indexing and metadata
4. Capturing and declaring records
5. Retention and disposal of records
6. Records security
7. Managing physical records
8. Search and retrieval
9. Auditing and reporting
10. Compliance with standards
11. Scanning and imaging
12. Collaboration
13. workflow