A Vision & Strategies for Successful Business Startups - Research Paper

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Background :

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.  Mohd.Yunus experiment is that micro-credit turned into an alternative investment fund to help fight unemployment.
To a question if people in West Bengal were not ready to take risk taking ventures as entrepreneurs, he said "I don't look at it that way. The mentality to start own ventures is there, everywhere in world including Bengal. But you have to be with them (the young unemployed)."

"There is this ocean of money all around. Poor people just want a sip of that money and we should reach it out to them," he said adding even rich people become defaulters in bank loans "but conventional banks still reach out to the rich”.

To a question about the fall of ponzy firms in Bengal, Yunus said, "While there can always be fly-by-night firms in a system and laws and legislation to check their activities, if you refer to the micro-credit concept mooted by us, it never collects money from depositors."

The inspirational story of how Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus invented microcredit, founded the Grameen Bank, and transformed the fortunes of millions of poor people around the world.

In 2006, Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below".
After changing lives of over 9 million people in Bangladesh and generating 100,000 dollars in US, Grameen Bank experiment has been able to benefit an estimated 300 million borrowers across the world including Brazil.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said that "lasting peace cannot be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty" and that "across cultures and civilizations, Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that even the poorest of the poor can work to bring about their own development". Yunus has received several other national and international honours. He received the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2010.
The microfinance movement was started off by one man: Muhammad Yunus, with one vision: to eradicate poverty from the world. Muhammad Yunus, the Bangladeshi economist, widely known as the Father of Microfinance founded the Grameen Bank to make small loans to the poor in Bangladesh.

Dr. Yunus was greatly influenced by his mother who was known to never turn away anyone in need. The famine that hit Bangladesh in 1974 pushed him to do something about poverty. During his visits to the poorest households in the village of Jobra, he realised that a small loan can make a big difference to a poor person. He made his first loan to 42 women in the village, with just USD $27 from his own pocket. With this money, the women were able to make baskets, sell them and quickly repay the money they borrowed from him. He began to see that small loans would not only help them survive, but create in them the spark of enterprise and this could empower them and pull them out of poverty.

Since traditional banks refused to make small loans to the poor, the idea for Grameen Bank was born. In 1976, Dr Yunus launched the activities of Grameen bank, giving out microloans to the poor. In 1983, Grameen Bank was officially formed. The borrowers typically repay back the loan in small weekly installments. In small villages with no access to banks, Grameen has brought banking to people’s homes. The bank’s 22,149 staff serve 8.37 million borrowers at their door-step in 81,379 villages all over Bangladesh, every week. So far, Grameen Bank has disbursed USD $11 billion in loans.
The success of the Grameen microfinance model has inspired hundreds of countries throughout the world, including the USA. Grameen Bank and Dr.Yunus jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Idea :
Empathy – Open it up
THINK – What is the Purpose of MY LIFE?
1)    To be USEFULE TO OTHERS          – Entrepreneur – To be Job Creator  - THINK BIG?
2)   To work for somebody else            – Service             – To be  Job Seeker  - THINK SMALL?
-   All human beings are born an ENTREPRENEUR
-   It is our belief that destiny plays a role to become rich
-   Job is end of Creativity
-   Job is run by Limitations/Instructions
-   Damaging to do Job
-   We work for others to make them richer

Why Not Become an Entrepreneur?
You are born entrepreneur – We create our Wealth  – Wealth Creator to NATION

Capitalist system :
-   Wealth becoming mushroom owned by fewer
-   Not sustainable way of human community
-   All money in few people hands – 73% is owned by 1% of Indians
-   Humanbeings are driven by self interest
-   Humans are selfish – they should be selfless
-   Economic Theory retaining  selfishness  - Real humans are beyond
-   We see with bifocal glasses $ sign, global sign to solve human problems of people, such as, sanitation, Housing, Healthcare, Solar Energy, etc.

Anyone can Create  SOCIAL BUSINESS:
-   No Charity show – it is a Sustainable Development Branch of Business –lending to  Family, children education, vocational training; other activitiy needs – The entire family is business for us
-   To do  business is to solve problems  and not motive of making profits
-   Many companies have started SOCIAL BUSINESS through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Tatas, SodexHo, Ceat, etc., creating Social Business
-   Sole purpose of earning their lives
-   Any one can create Social Business – Profits ploughed back in business

Mission of Microfinance :
Two types of Micro Credit :

-   Right Micro Credit – To get people out of poverty
-   Wrong Micro credit – To make Profits only
Problem of Unemployment is created artificially
Creator /Innovator – huge humanbeing
Shift your mind
Move away from greed civilisation to Selfless Civilisation based on Empathy, Fellowship and Humanity

Grameen Bank MODEL is not Country Specific - It is human specific
No document – but we lend money
INDIA / US /other countries  replicates  from Bangladesh Innovation

Learnings from  journey (Spark)  creating Grameen Bank in Bangladesh – Dream Come True?

-   How to make useful to other people –one people who needs me
-   Can I do something which would make difference to other person – Became part of my life
-   Knowing people in village – name, face, family, etc.
-   I see people in the real sense
-   In my Economic Book – they are described as Labour not People
-   University learning gave me a “Bird’s Eye View” – different perspective
-   I did not see anything everything is blurred
-   Most of it is imagination

suddenly gave me problem of happiness he is expecting
-   I see very sharp clear way problems unsurmountable
-   Problem is not discussed in classroom
-   When you come to people, problem is different
-   Thought of Way to protect person

-   Why don’t I lend my money myself?  I STARTED
-   I believed in me – save somebody – Making a Difference “MAD”  in someone lives

-   Reaching to Villages - Villagers thought I was lender – Money lender – but I was protector of them
-   How to continue beyond numbers – Recycle that money
-   How do I find money – I am not a banker - that is job of bank – I am a TEACHER
-   Bank cannot lend money to poor people  - they are not credit worthy
-   Have you tried out – debate, discussions took place – Met MD/GM of Banks – Tried very single bank to persuade what I was doing – Bank is not supposed to judge credit worthiness of people
-   I, Yunus, became as Guarantor
-   Banks thought I am becoming nuisance and they finally agreed
-   Banks started controlling and I thought of creating a bank myself
-   Persuaded Finance Minister, Central Bank and SPARK initial journey commenced from 1976 and got permission to commence business in October 1983
-   GRAMEEN BANK EMERGED – OWN BANK – SKY is the limit – Anything I want  and How Far I want
-   All borrowers must be women
-   Banks don’t lend money to POOR people and women too – Banks lend money to RICH people
-   Poor women afraid of money – scared of money – never touched money in their life
-   She  lived her life as if she did not exist
-   I tried out – If one woman SUCCESSFUL – Others will follow – Snowball effects
-   Took 6 years to  take off – 50% Men and 50% women – Money going to family through women
-   Later women became 97% and 3% Men
-   Changed lives and families
-   All women in frontline
-   Reduce poverty by half by 2030
-   Poverty is part of it – artificially imposed on human beings
-   Give them opportunity – Moh.Yunus business was not giving them Charity but making it Social Business through Sustainable Development Goals

-   If you find any poor person in Bangladesh, you will get 100 dollars
-   Poverty Museum – how horrible poverty used to be

-   Impressed by entrepreneur ability by women
-   All human beings are entrepreneurs

-   Let us bring programme to beggars – even beggars can become independent entrepreneur
-   Talked to beggars and studied their way of living
-   I studied generations of beggars – three generation beggars
-   Real person resides in them
-   How they lived – go house to house begging – Told them would you mind carry a basket of merchandise with you  – cookies, biscuits, etc.
-   You go begging anyway – carry a basket with you – we give money loan say Rs.300 – Rs.500 to buy merchandise
-   6 to 9 months studied business
-   Slowly slowly Business expanded from 1000 beggars to 1 lac beggars
-   Study showed – We bring merchandise, they opened the door and gave us stool to sit. 
-   Children tell them to bring sweets, chocolates, etc.
-   Beggars became Marketing agents for families
-   Two years of operation of this idea – One-fourth of beggars stopped begging
-   They already know which house is good for begging and which one is good for selling – Market segmentation
-   Not gone to Harvard University – SELF /EXPERIENTIAL  LEARNING 

-   Can a Beggar become an Entrepreneur??
-   YES – People/Banks  should look them differently
-   Put any amount of money  and even one paisa is welcome  in SB Account
-   Last  2017 – Total 3 billion loan and 2.25 billion accounts
-   SB Account Savings in their account far exceeded amount of their loans
-   Today, Beggars have respect and proudly say to BANKS – Beggars are not BORROWERS of BANKS – Beggars are LENDERS to BANKS
-   It is our responsibility to make sure illiteracy ends at parents level
-   Children must go to school and job of Bank is to ensure there is no dropouts
-   Study as much as you want School/College – education loan – Grameen Bank is Your Bank – you can go as far as you want.  No Job in Bangladesh.
-   Why looking for jobs ?
-   Job is obsolete idea.
-   – I am JOB CREATOR (THINK BIG) - I am  job seeker (THINK SMALL)


-   Taught in School – History, Geography, Civic – But nobody taught – How to start a life? How to become an entrepreneur?
-   Self/Experiential  Learning made her an Entrepreneur  - Mother being illiterate but had courage to ask for loan of $20 or $30 – she mobilized all confidence in bank and continued business.
-   How come your mother knows it and you (children) don’t know it. She did not wait others to teach her – How to start her life
-   You (children) are an artificial person as you went to school
-   School should be making lives not jobs for the people
-   Get rid of bad things in your head – artificial humanbeing
-   Join hands with Venture Capital – We Invest and become a Partner – If you need Second round of money, we will Lend you!


Learning from Quotes:
‘Empathy’ – Open it Up
Entrepreneurs are not just born, they are made!
“Become Business Minded -  Not Service Minded”
“I was born intelligent, education ruined me”

THINK – What is the Purpose of MY LIFE?  To be USEFULE TO OTHERS – To Become an Entrepreneur – To be Job Creator  - THINK BIG?  To serve Society in particular and Nation in general

MSMEs/Banks Lending to BEGGARS – thus making them an ‘ENTREPRENEUR’ – They should be looked differently

Mission of Micro Finance is to get people out of Poverty

Move away from greed civilisation to Selfless Civilisation based on Empathy, Fellowship and Humanity

-   All Humans are Born Beggars & Entrepreneurs
-   Poverty is not created by people
-   Poverty is created by the system

Entrepreneurs are Risk takers and who have fire in their belly

I –Create – ‘I ‘ to ‘Infinity’ – Ideate, Innovate and Transform

“There is so much of best in worst of us.
There is so much of worst in best of us.
So who are we to judge rest of us”

The greatest mistake of most of the human beings:
We listen half
Understand quarter
Think zero
But react double and then remember that forever

Every human has vast potential. Only thinking makes him small.

Entrepreneurship - In the words of Shri Narayan murthy, mentor Infosys:
-   Converting idea into jobs and contributing to wealth and growth of the country
-   Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) flourish and add value to economy.
-   Entrepreneurs are Leaders who create more jobs and more wealth for nation. Contributing to nation building, e.g., Mahatma Gandhi a great leader.
-   Enhance confidence of people – dream and reach for the stars
-   Inspire people in hour of confusion, dilemma and turbulent times.
-    Six Attributes for success – you will succeed in toughest times
       o   Openness to ideas
       o   Merit
       o   Value system, discipline – Motivation – lead by example
       o   Innovation
       o   Excellence
       o   Execution
Any company’s failure is that they have overlooked some aspect of risk/attributes. You will get listed, even not then you have your investors/customers.

Let bad news take the elevators.
Good news take the stairs.

Entrepreneurs should be able to –
1)   Predict Revenues – Forecast revenue system
2)   Sustain those predictions – actual sales, customers need, deliver on time and quality
3)   Profitability – as profitable as possible – sell better, new ideas, innovative products and increased margins (control your cost)
4)   Reduce fixed costs and reduce indirect cost
5)   Derisking your work – no one geography, different avenues of  technology, not relying on one employee/skilled talent.
It is said “Do not keep all eggs in one basket”

Decide what you want to become as an entrepreneur. Imagine If the following are kept in hot water what  happens :
1)   Carrot – it is hard and strong before –  subject to heat resistant they become soft
2)   Egg – nice and well protected outside and soft inside – after the inside also becomes hard
3)   Coffee Beans – hard and strong before – after changed its form and merged into milk and also resisted heat

Be like Coffee Beans - Winners and Leaders are like ‘Coffee Beans’ – they can survive under all circumstances and challenging times.

Innovate the Model before Business Plan

Committed/competent – innate qualities

Constantly reinvent your business model

Outreach and within reach of people – Explore the Unexplored

Be Different  - Be MAD (Making a Difference)

I want to make a DIFFERENCE :
“Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less travelled by – and that has made all the difference” – Robert Frost –

Yeh Dil Mange More attitude – Change Your Attitude

Go beyond customers to stakeholders

Be Leader and inspire your team

Innovation is risky,
Non-innovation is fatal – Philip Kotler

Believe in Yourself - Never compare yourself with others, you are insulting yourself

Self-confidence is very important

Remember : Nobody is perfect – I am Nobody
   “If God only used perfect people nothing would ever get done”

Fire in belly / Passion

Question Everything

Able to face Challenges

Entrepreneurship -  Total Empowerment – Will you be able to do in service?? THINK

Able to take Risk

Able to change / Lead change

Do SWOT analysis - Identify your Strength,  Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

Conduct Market Survey / Study – Finding what the customers want?

Ordinary people with limited means can earn and learn how to start and run their own business profitably and to become extra-ordinary?? ATTITUDE. Difference from ordinary to extra-ordinary is that little bit extra.

Dhirubhai Ambani, Bill Gates, Narayan Murthy were also ordinary persons.  People laughed at their ideas. They will laugh at your ideas too.  Do not worry.  Come to us – BoB – we will help you - BoB advertisement for Loans to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Prepare your Plans and Project and any banks can assist you for funding. Funds are not a problem.
Start up – Hewlett Packard (HP) story – Commenced business in Garage

THINK BIG THINK POSITIVE (‘Cat’ also appears as ‘Lion’ in mirror ) – What you think so you become

Have a  DREAM – Write down your goals and keep revising it.

Create the Future – not predict the future – Do not wait for future

Focus on Customers – Study customers mind

Focus on value rather than sales and profit

Synergise -   Co-operation/Collaboration and not Competition need of hour
Establish the Problem

Right product at right time – current trends

Automation – systems and procedures at  place

Digitisation – internet, mobile, etc.

Work SMART and not hard – Street Smart


Find purpose, Means will Follow – Mahatma Gandhi

Find aim and your set of goals – means will follow – Means is not an hindrance at all. It is only mental block to commence business.

HR –human & customer capital
-   Attracting & Retaining talents
-   Customer attraction and Retention
-   Building Relationship
-   Changes in customer behavior
-   Networking

Value-based business
-   We have to gain TRUST to be in business and be RESPECTED Businessmen – No tutoring / lecture will help you gain the inner voice.
-   Be HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY to be a SUCCESSSFUL Businessmen. 
-   ETHICAL, NON-ETHICAL, NON COMPLIANCE  - YOU HAVE TO DECIDE - Example, weights and measurements – gripe water – 5% (100 grams when packed); shaving soap – 3.5% and soap – 2.5% - To ensure whether it contains 100 grams before packing
-   Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI)
-   Cross Border Business – Countries without Boundaries

Changes in technology – cheaper models – websites – ecommerce – bulk emails/SMSs

Environment factors – inflation, regulatory, economic, etc.

       o   Scanning environment in which we are working –changes taking place / Technology / Regulatory, etc. KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN.

Other challenges :
-   Remain in Business which is Relevant – Bring in new ideas and eliminate old ideas, viz.,  Victoria / fixed tel. lines/tailor/cobbler.
-   Be prepared for change - Bajaj Scooter waiting period 20 years/Fiat Car/Godrej Refrigerator
-   Changes in Technology
-   Tolerance limit should be narrow –
        o   Time
        o   Quality – customer’s delight / WOW effect
        o   Price  - no bill required when purchasing /booking – hotel, tours, books, ipad, online via internet
-   Prepare for –
        o   Acquiring new skills
        o   Technology and the way it is changing – Telecom, transportation, logistics, etc.
        o   Skilled manpower to manage cash register – no waiting in queue
        o   Banking computerized system
        o   Skill of contracting and capability is very important
        o   Sale and Purchase Agreement
-   Franchising business – managing supply chain management
-   Premium Products – per sq.foot cost– hotel Taj expensive? Cost included in price
-   Developing BRAND – Parsi Dairy, Tata (Steel), Colgate (tooth paste), Bisleri (water)
-   Hygiene and Health – customers have become conscious nowadays
-   Globalising mindset / getting technology buying / employee trained / jt.venture / regulatory / language

Service Oriented Industry :
If money is not motivation – than What??  Anxiety and desire for employers – ONLY SALARY INCOME
-   Maitri – spouses
-   Society – education - picnics

-   Content for education – e-Learning business
-   Entertainment
-   Home Services – Healthcare
-   Retail
-   Home Care products
-   Manufacturing premium products – chocolates/cakes/pastries


Contributing to Development of People and development of Nation economy – It is an excellent area where one can think of entering as an entrepreneur.

By becoming Social Entrepreneurs
you will contribute towards promoting the cause of underprivileged women through financial empowerment and help them become respectable breadwinners for their families and gain financial independence.  With the right training and opportunity, entrepreneurs can give women a new way of life and help a wider section of society reap the benefit of your skills.

Entrepreneurs Mission and Vision in education :
To Aid rural development through quality education
“The future of India lies in her children. And the future of India’s children lies in Education”.
To Build the character of   rural children through a well rounded range of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
To Provide Value-based education complimented by state-of-the-art with research facilities, keeping main thrust on agriculture, healthcare, industry, technology and environment
To Facilitate harmonious growth of children through excellence in teach and a well-rounded motivational approach

Opportunities :
Eco-Village – Model Village – Nirmal Gram (Clean Village) – Cyber Gram (computer literacy, connectivity, etc.) – pioneering efforts towards spreading Education, setting up Schools/Colleges and thus contributing to social upbringing of youth “Child of today is future of the nation” – Rural Electrification/Solar energy – flourishing Agri-based village – training to skilled and unskilled labours – Old Age Homes (seek blessings of senior citizens) – Agri and Rural Tourism (the way to rural development)

Creating eco-village plan with thrust on health, hygiene, sanitation framework and work towards promoting community life stock management, solid waste management, provision of community blocks, sewage treatment by green bridge technology, energy conservation through biogas power generation and solar street light system.

Entrepreneur can take various initiatives for an Eco-Village,  such as, Personal and Public Hygiene drive,  Schools, Provisions for Clean Drinking Water, Tree Plantation, Sewage Disposal, Underground Drainage System, Waste Management, Adoption of Natural Fertilizers.

Women of the village be pulled into the effort to make a change and will actively bring about serious ground-level changes.  Innovations be deployed that will help counter mindsets.  For instance, toilets be called as “Aarogya Mandir” (temple of cleanliness) and take help of children to spread the right messages and may be called “Swatchata Doots” (messengers of cleanliness).

 Social entrepreneurship is the work of social entrepreneurs.  A social entrepreneur recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles and skills to organize, create and manage a venture to achieve social change.

Social entrepreneur is an individual with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problems. Social entrepreneur is ambitious and persistent, tackling major social issues and offering new ideas for bringing wide-scale changes for betterment for all walks of society.

Case Study :
Baramati Hi-Tech Textile Park Ltd.(BHTPL) :

Since the year 1967, Hon.Shri Sharad Pawar, renowed politician of the nation, transformed Baramati into modern village by bringing canal irrigation, co-operatives like milk societies, sugar factories, poultry and various industries.  He then realized the need for creating skilled and respectful employment opportunities for women.

Taking the advantage of a Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) of Government of India, he decided to start textile park in Baramati. A special purpose vehicle (SPV) called “Baramati Hi-Tech Textile Park Ltd. (BHTPL)” was set up over sprawling 60 acres of land which would house small domestic garment manufactures. BHTPL is situated MIDC region of Baramati about 100 kms. from Pune in Maharashtra State. 

BHTPL was established by a group of entrepreneurs under the patronage of Ms.Sunetra Ajit Pawar.  BHTPL consists of a comprehensive group of textile oriented units specializing in function such as Garmenting, Apparel Printing and Packaging, Home Furnishing, Embroidery, Dry Cleaning and Technical Textile within the Textile Park. It also has a series of smaller units available such as ancillary support units.  The park was commissioned in a scheduled 18 months time frame.

The establishment of BHTPL also aimed at economization of the production costs.  With the relentless efforts of Ms.Sunetra Pawar, BHTPL offers state-of-the-art infrastructure and also makes available local, skilled and trained labour. To further enable the success of the Park, she made provision for transportation services for women travelling from relatively longer distances.  The Park provides common Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to process industrial sewage processing and also has a solar power generation unit for generating solar electricity.

Knowing that the success of any organization lies in the training and better work environment of its employees, the part has set up an ultra modern counter for various banking needs, R&D and Quality Centre for designing of world class products and meeting global quality standards, cafeteria for refreshments and an innovative crèche within the campus of the Park.

Another way in which BHTPL proved to be benchmark was by drawing out the benefits of Government entailed facilities and schemes for the progress of entrepreneurs.  It not only provided the employees with adequate training, but also helped them in the overall development of their personality and upliftment of their living standards.

Benefits of BHTPL :

In the era of women empowerment, BHTPL has set an unique example for textile industry in India by being an 100% women oriented unit. This outstanding and unique concept was noticed by then first women President of India, Hon.Pratibha tai Patil.




TIPS to prepare your Business Plan vis-a-vis-Project before presenting it to Bank for finance :

        -   Business Idea
        -   Name and Logo of business
        -   Tagline
        -   Competitive advantage / USP
        -   Products
        -   Market Research – Quest/Social Networking/Market Plan
        -   Demand for products
        -   Target customers
        -   Advertising
        -   Promotion ideas
        -   Packaging
        -   Distribution – direct / indirect channels
        -   Quality
        -   Cost per Unit and computation of cost
        -   Selling cost
        -   Start up Capital – breakup, viz., Rent, Land development, furniture and fixtures, electrical applicances, advertising expenses and miscellaneous expenses
       -   Meet start up cost – own funds / borrowed funds – sources of funds
       -   Profit and Loss statement
       -   Break-even Point (BE) – no.of units sold per month
       -   Risk factors and mitigation of risk
       -   Plans for future development

Mission for Universities :
Setting up of “Social Business Centre – 3-Zero Free World” under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities at Corporates, Colleges/Schools, Universities commencing with University of Mumbai as also take this mission across the globe.

Government of India and all Banks requires them to come together and substantially  contribute effectively for successful MISSION of “3-Zero Free World”  and pursue to  cover all villages as also  to reach to poorest of the poor strata of the society to eradicate 3-zeroes, viz., poverty, unemployment, carbon emission and make environment friendly place and to make financial inclusion a big hit. It should think on lines of Grameen Bank experiment, which as of now, has been able to benefit an estimated 300 million borrowers across the world including Brazil,  further to greater heights.

    -   Learnings from the Lecture delivered by - Prof.Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate, Founder Grameen Bank, Bangladesh - (IMC – Pravinchandra V.Gandhi CHAIR in Banking & Finance - JBIMS, University of Mumbai on Monday, 2nd July 2018 at University of Mumbai, Convocation Hall, Fort, Mumbai)

    -   https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banking/grameen-bank-model-has-reached-300-million-people-worldwide-mohd-yunus/ articleshow/60291330.cms?from=mdr
   -   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus

   -   https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/muhammad-yunus/banker-to-the-poor/9781586485467/ - Banker To The Poor - Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty

   -   Book on ‘Pearls of Wisdom – Inner Engineering – Achieving Professional Excellence (APEX)’  by Actor Advocate Lion Prof.Dr.Firdos T.Shroff, Mumbai (INDIA)


Authors for Joint Research  Paper for Publication

Actor Advocate LION Prof.Dr.Firdos T.Shroff, Global Motivation Guru
PG Diploma in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Thoughts, University of Mumbai)
Mentor, Universities/Management Institutions;
Senate Member,Pune University; UN Talent;
Fellow IIBF;  (former Union Bank of India)
Mr.Taminul  Islam,
Research Scholar,
Daffodil International University (DIU)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
(+8801950-511785)                              (email: taminul15-11116@diu.edu.bd)

« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 03:38:00 PM by Badshah Mamun »
Md. Rokanuzzaman Roman
Assistant Registrar &
SA to Honorable Chairman, BoT
Daffodil International University