Power of Networking

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Power of Networking
« on: August 01, 2021, 10:19:29 AM »
Power of Networking

Secrets from Networking Pros

Career advancement and the pursuit of success all comes from networking and how you go about it. There are so many places that you can network that it can be challenging to figure out which one is more effective. Networking requires a skill that you have to master and not something that happens overnight. It is more than simply exchanging business cards. It is getting out there in both the real world and virtual world and making connections that will last for a lifetime. Networking to build your career makes all of the difference in terms of success.

Networking Tips

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.” – African Proverb
The best way to succeed in any business is to network with others who have similar goals as you. With all of the different ways that you are now able to network, you may be wondering the most effective ways to go about it.

-When it comes to networking you need to remember to give before you receive. This means that you should not jump the gun and ask for a favor. When it comes to effectively networking in business you need to give before you expect anything in return.
-It is also very important to ask for an introduction to someone you are hoping to meet on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook. If you are not connected with them on social media, then see if there if you have a mutual friend and then ask to be introduced.
-Many people think that handing out and receiving business cards is the only way to network. If you want to stand out amongst the crowd you have to do something truly special. This means branching out, using social media, email, and other current technology.

Networking is important to any business for a variety of reasons. Regardless if you are looking for contacts that could help your company or simply looking for advice to give your company a boost, there is no better way to achieve your goals than networking. Networking has the potential to serve as a lifeline when it comes to maintaining a successful business. These relationships have the potential to last a lifetime, so the sooner you network the more successful your business will be.

Ways to Network

“The richest people in the world look for and build networks. Everyone else looks for work.” – Robert Kyosaki
With technology being what it is today you don’t have to wait for a networking event to network effectively for your business. Even though attending an event and handing out business cards can still be an effective way to network, there are many ways to network and create a potential customer base for your business.

-Social media is the most effective way to network. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In are all great places to meet people and network with others in the field that you work in.
-One of the best things to do when it comes to networking is to follow-up. You can hand out business cards but what good is that if you are not keeping them up to date on your business. Pick up the phone, send an email, or visit someone in person. This will keep you in the front of people’s minds.
-Reaching out to others makes you and your company look good. Make an effort to reach out to potential business partners and clients, and you will make sure to make some valuable connections.
Long-term connections are what you are going for when you network. Take the steps necessary to maintain those connections throughout your career.

Business Networking Practices

Business networking is the process that requires you to meet other people in order to exchange resources for mutual gain. Business networking forms a foundation for business and helps you to create new business relationships that will last for as long as you are running a business. Small businesses have a great deal to benefit from interacting effectively with others in their niche and market. It can be easy for some but difficult for others. Learning some effective tactics will help to create a network of great individuals.
Networking Practices that Work
If you want to discover a way to network that does not require a great deal of pain on your part, then following these tips may be helpful.

-Your first step is to make sure you present yourself well. Business is all about first impressions and this comes down to presentation. It is easier than ever before to network so impressing others is even more important than it ever was before.
-One other thing to keep in mind is that you need to interact with people without bombarding them with useless information. Make sure the information that you are exchanging has a real purpose. Limit how much information you give out. Be as clear and concise as possible.
-Using all forms of media will help you to broaden your search for networking candidates. You can network on social media websites and in-person. There are support groups, environmental causes, and a variety of other organizations in which you can branch out and network with others. Do not be afraid to be a little different.

“The opposite of networking is not working.” – Unknown

Networking is the way of the future so it is important to have your tactics ready to use when you are ready to effectively build your business.

Ways Effective Listening makes you a Better Leader

Many great leaders of the world will tell you, you cannot lead without the ability to listen. In fact, most will also say that effective listening makes you a better leader. Stephen Covey once said that, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” A good listener listens without thoughts, simply attention and respect.

Becoming a Better Listener as a Leader

As a leader, do you feel as though you listen intently without trying to squeeze in a reply? It takes a great deal of skill to accomplish this.

-Listening shows that you care about your co-workers. They will work harder in order to exceed your expectations. If they feel as though they are cared for and respected they are more likely to give the company 110%.
-When you listen, be empathetic. With all of the stresses of the workplace, employees are bound to become overwhelmed. When discussing their issues, make sure that you are showing empathy by relating to their issue.
-The best leaders and listeners listen without judgement. Judging others shows lack of empathy and that you are not taking the issue seriously. Listen to every individual in the organization the same way.

Source: The Angel Investors Network Team
Md. Rokanuzzaman Roman
Assistant Registrar &
SA to Honorable Chairman, BoT
Daffodil International University