What employers can do to reduce stress at work

Author Topic: What employers can do to reduce stress at work  (Read 3468 times)

Offline shibli

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What employers can do to reduce stress at work
« on: October 19, 2009, 02:30:56 PM »
What employers can do to reduce stress at work

It's in a manager's best interest to keep stress levels in the workplace to a minimum. Managers must act as positive role models, especially in times of high stress.There are also organizational changes that managers and employers can make to reduce workplace stress.

1. Improve communication
2. Share information with employees to reduce uncertainty about their jobs and futures.
3. Clearly define employees’ roles and responsibilities.
4. Make communication  friendly and efficient, not mean-spirited or petty.
5. Consult your employees
6. Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their jobs.
7. Consult employees about scheduling and work rules.
8. Be sure the workload is suitable to employees’ abilities and resources; avoid unrealistic deadlines.
9. Show that individual workers are valued.
10. Offer rewards and incentives
11. Praise good work performance verbally and institutionally.
12. Provide opportunities for career development.
13. Promote an “entrepreneurial” work climate that gives employees more control over their work.
14. Cultivate a friendly social climate
15. Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees.
16. Establish a zero-tolerance policy for harassment.
17. Make management actions consistent with organizational values.

retrieved from http://helpguide.org/mental/work_stress_management.htm
« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 11:31:54 AM by shibli »
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.