Visiting Card Etiquette

Author Topic: Visiting Card Etiquette  (Read 2951 times)

Offline Shamim Ansary

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Visiting Card Etiquette
« on: April 23, 2012, 05:17:21 PM »
Visiting Card Etiquette - Must Have Qualities in a Visiting Card

Good manners come into play in every walk of life. It is essential for an individual to behave sensibly for him to find his place in the society.

There is a huge difference between one’s college and professional life. An individual needs to behave decently at the workplace. Avoid being casual at work. Remember your office pays you for your hard work and not for loitering and gossiping around.

Visiting Card

Visiting card is nothing but a small document which bears the name, designation of the individual concerned as well as the organization’s name and other necessary contact details.

A Visiting card must include:
    01. Name of the individual concerned.
    02. His/her designation.
    03. Organization’s name/Logo.
    04. Website of the organization.
    05. Address of the organization.
    06.  Contact number (Hand phone and fixed line) and email id.

Let us go through some visiting card etiquette:

   01.  The name, designation and contact details of the individual concerned ought to be correct in the visiting card. Never go for fake
          designations. It is an offense.

   02.   Do not choose stylish fonts for visiting cards. A visiting card should not have flashy designs or bright colours. The font style however to
          some extent also depends on the nature of the job.

   03.  Visiting cards should be handled with care. Do not fold your business cards. They must be kept properly and should not have pen marks.

   04. Remember visiting cards are not meant to be kept at home. An individual must carry his/her visiting cards for all official meetings. Visiting
          cards play a pivotal role in introducing an individual to others. Make sure you have plenty of them when you go out to meet your clients or
         external parties.

   05. One must exchange his/her business card either in the beginning of the meeting or once the meeting is over. Do not stand up in the middle
          of a meeting to exchange your card. Wait for the right time. Place your card right in front of you on the table when you sit for meetings
          and conferences.

   06.  Never exchange your visiting cards with left hand. It is a sign of disrespect to your card. Remember your visiting card is a reflection of your
          professional achievements.

   07. Keep your card at a place where it can be found easily. Prefer keeping them in a card holder. Searching your visiting card in front of your
          client looks unprofessional and childish. It shows how irresponsible and careless you are.

   08. Organizations must use top quality paper for visiting card of employees. The quality of the visiting card talks about your brand.

   09. Whenever you exchange your visiting card with someone, ask for his card as well. Remember visiting card plays an important role in
          networking. Keep the other person’s card in a visiting card album / folder to avoid misplacing them. You never know when you might need
          them. Never keep visiting cards in shirt or trousers pockets.
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