Peace of Mind in Daily Life
By Remez Sasson
Peace of Mind in Daily Life The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.
- Norman Vincent Peale -
Discover how to quiet the constant chatter of your mind, and how to get rid of disturbing thoughts, anxiety, worries and negative thinking!
Learn how to turn inner peace into a habit, through simple mental exercises, change of attitude, and other effective means.
If you thought that inner peace is a state of weakness and passivity, you are wrong! You may lead a normal life, like everyone else, but at the same time enjoy a state of inner peace and inner strength that no external conditions can disturb.
The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
- James Allen -
Here is a book with guidance and advice you will not find anywhere else:
Learn how to stop the restlessness and constant chatter of your mind, and free yourself from the compulsion of incessant and unstoppable thinking.
Gain the skill of choosing the thougts you want, and rejecting the thoughts you don't want.
Overcome impatience and anger, and learn to control your moods and state of mind.
Learn how to get rid of anxieties, stress, worries and negative thinking.
Guidance and advice for building a positive mindset.
Learn how to maintain a state of inner peace and detachment in your everyday life, and in difficult or unpleasant situations.
Get rid of the tendency to be upset by what people say or think about you.
Improve your concentration and your ability to control your thoughts.
Enjoy inner peace and a sense of freedom.
Learn special meditations for inner peace, and for clearing your mind of disturbing or unwanted houghts.
Fill life with a sense of happiness and bliss.
Guidance and advice for spiritual growth and for awakening the spirit within you.
Discover the Real You - Your "Inner I".