77 Ways to Get Traffic

Author Topic: 77 Ways to Get Traffic  (Read 16941 times)


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Keywords in online profiles
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2012, 01:31:09 PM »
Include keywords in your online profiles

Whenever you create an online profile anywhere online - on your blogs, on a forum or on sites such as LinkedIn - always use carefully chosen key phrases.

This increases the chance that people will find you, either via search engines or, for example at LinkedIn, via the site's search facility.

The other day a friend of mine, Phil Tanny, mentioned that he'd started a forum. To try to find it, I typed...
   Phil Tanny forum
...into Google. The No.1 search result surprised me. It was Phil's profile on OUR affiliate forum. (The ranking may have changed by the time you read this.) Profile links probably aren't very valuable in Google's eyes, but they're quick and easy to set up. Try it on our forum:
You can often find forums in your industry by going to Google and typing in...
keyword +forum
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 01:33:47 PM by mahbub-web »


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One way links
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2012, 01:32:47 PM »
Get one-way links and a few reciprocal links

Reciprocal links aren't as important as they used to be. They should not be your major traffic-generating strategy. They ARE still very useful, especially when you're getting a new site established in the search engines. Here's an article I wrote describing in detail how to get reciprocal links. For a comprehensive look at ways to get links, I recommend you read this article by Bill Hartzer:
Linking Campaigns Lead to Increased Online Visibility

Stephen Mahaney offers a wealth of information in this article:
12 Essential Strategies for Building & Structuring Inbound Links (Both those articles are excellent examples of experts getting articles
published on other people's sites.) Also, here's one of the many warnings from Google:
"Keep in mind that our algorithms can distinguish natural links from unnatural links. Natural links are links to your site that develop as part  of the dynamic nature of the web when other sites find your content  valuable and think it would be helpful for their visitors. Unnatural links are links to your site placed there specifically to make your site look more popular to search engines."
Source: http://sitemaps.blogspot.com/
Google's webmaster guidelines say plainly:
"Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank."


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Invite others to publish content
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2012, 01:34:48 PM »
Publish articles on your site and invite other sites to publish them on their sites, with a link to you

Some websites make it very easy for other sites to reprint their articles. At the end of each article on their site, they publish a note giving people permission to reprint the article providing the source box at the end is published, too.

(Caution: Although this technique apparently works well for those who do it,  I don't use this technique. My goal is to have almost all unique content on my sites. I wonder if the technique may not work quite so well some time in the future. I could be wrong, but I speculate that as search engines become more and more clogged with junk sites, search engines will get much tougher on duplicate content. Sites which don't publish duplicate content  will benefit, I believe.)


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Newsletter publication
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2012, 01:37:13 PM »
Publish a lively, useful newsletter

Let's say you have 3,000 people a week - or month - visiting your site. Most of them are going to look at one or two pages and then disappear, perhaps never to be seen again. You need a way to persuade them to return. Writing your own newsletter is an excellent way of boosting repeat traffic. A newsletter reminds readers that your site exists. To encourage repeat visitors, you can tell your readers about new articles you've added to your site. You can also remind them of articles they may have missed. You can tell them about a survey you're running on your site, a special report, or interesting new posts on your forum.

While you're writing your newsletter, keep asking yourself, "Is this item useful? How can I make it MORE useful?" If you're not keen on writing, you can outsource the writing or simply publish brief notes which let your readers know that your site has been updated. My
newsletters tend to be long, but yours doesn't have to be.

Newsletters enhance your reputation, add to your credibility and - best of all - give you repeat opportunities to make a sale. Another advantage of publishing a newsletter is that when you want to launch a second or third website, you can give it a flying start simply by mentioning it in your newsletter.

If you haven't published a newsletter, you'll find that the technical side of it is much easier than you imagined. A good, reliable way to publish a newsletter is to use Aweber to distribute it. Aweber takes the hassle out of newsletter publishing. Using a professional service like Aweber and a double opt-in sign-up process gives you protection against spam complaints. Aweber has been around for years, has an excellent reputation and one of the highest - if not THE highest - successful delivery rates online. It automatically handles subscribes and unsubscribes. It gives you a form you simply paste into your website to start collecting email addresses, and it even provides newsletter templates. It's a wonderful service. I use it for two of my newsletters and highly recommend it. It's much better than a more expensive distribution service I also use. It's tricky switching one from service to another. Because of inertia, you're
likely to lose a large percentage of your readers if you have to switch to a  new service. So make sure you start with a well established, reliable company that's here for the long haul.


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Newsletter directories
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2012, 01:38:08 PM »
Submit your newsletter to newsletter directories

Search in Google for...
ezine directories
ezine directory
newsletter directory
newsletter directories
...and submit your newsletter to newsletter directories.
It's time-consuming and you probably won't get a lot of traffic from this technique. If you have more money than time, outsource this task. You could hire a student to do it.


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Publish a mini-course
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2012, 01:39:22 PM »
Publish a mini-course

This technique encourages visitors to keep coming back to your site. Publish a short (or long) informational email mini-course. Provide genuinely useful content. Starting gradually, after you've won the trust of your readers, weave relevant affiliate links into the messages.
Also, give your readers reasons to visit your site, giving them links to related articles on your site. These pages can contain both affiliate links and AdSense ads.

To retain your readers' interest, at the end of each message, give them a little teaser telling them what they'll get in the next message in the series. The autoresponder service I use and recommend is Aweber. With only one subscription, it allows you to publish newsletters and autoresponder courses from different domains. Some smart marketers using this technique don't send the mini-course via email. They just send out a memo announcing when each new part is online.

Doing this helps you evade spam filters - the shorter the message, the more likely it is to get through. Also, it gives you an opportunity to get eyeballs in front of the affiliate links or AdSense ads on your site.


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Write testimonials
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2012, 01:40:20 PM »
Write testimonials that are worth using

When you read an ebook or newsletter or some product which you find useful, write a quick note to the author. Sometimes, your quick note will be published as a testimonial, with a link back to your site. Joe Vitale has taken this tactic to extraordinary lengths. For examples,
trying doing a search in Google for
     "joe vitale" +testimonial
Don't go crazy over this technique. Remember that every single thing you write online builds - or damages - your reputation.


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Be helpful in forums
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2012, 01:45:55 PM »
Make helpful posts in forums

Join forums in your niche and promote your site in your signature. Be careful. Read the forum instructions first or you're likely to annoy forum moderators and forum members who have been there for years. Lurk and learn.

Some forums allow signatures. Some don't. Some won't allow words like "See the link in my signature". Tread carefully. You also need to remember that many affiliate agreements specifically say that posting an affiliate link on a forum is regarded as spamming. Ignoring
this rule can get you dumped from an affiliate program. You could lose any commissions you've earned. Build your reputation by posting genuinely, helpful, useful comments.

If you think carefully of ways to provide truly USEFUL content that people will talk about, you'll automatically end up with lots of free, one-way links to your site as people recommend it without even being asked to do so. Do a search in Google for
  yourkeyword + forum
  yourkeyword +"message board"
A good place to start is our friendly, helpful affiliate forum: http://www.AssociatePrograms.com/discus/index.php
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 01:48:28 PM by mahbub-web »