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Topics - Md. Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb

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A class presentation!

Do you find your hands shaking and your voice quivering at the thought of standing up in front of your class to give a presentation? Follow our 8 step plan and you'll be well on your way to giving a first class presentation.

Things to remember when giving a presentation

1. Expectations: Find out what is expected of you. Your teacher is looking to see whether you are able to carry out a piece of research and can speak confidently about it in public. If you are doing a group presentation, they will also look at how you work in a group and whether you contribute equally.

2. Prepare: Before the presentation, make sure you understand fully the subject about which you are expected to talk. Make a rough plan of what you're going to say and then check with your teacher that you are on the right path.

3. Extra work: When giving a presentation, your teacher is checking that you understood the lessons, handouts and texts on the subject. You can also impress them by doing more detailed research. Visit the library and look on the internet.

4. Be selective: It's impossible to fit everything you have learnt into a short presentation. You will need to choose material carefully and consider how you will present it. Are you going to use a white board, over-head projector, give handouts or just talk?

5. Audience participation: You might also consider getting your audience involved. What questions does your research raise; is their any room for debate or discussion? You could divide your presentation into sections and ask a question at the end of each. You might choose to end the talk with a discussion and encourage people to ask you questions to test your knowledge.

6. Keep calm: Remember that everyone else will be worrying about their own presentation, so the only person picking holes in it will be you.

7. Props: Sometimes it helps liven up a presentation if you can use relevant props. It also gives your hands something to do or hold which can be good if you get nervous and start shaking.

8. Prompt cards: The worst presentations are when someone gets up to the front of the class and just reads off an A4 sheet of paper. Write your notes onto small index cards and use them as a prompt. That way you can make eye contact with your audience and keep them interested.

Debate Forum / 6 steps to debating perfection
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:30:25 PM »
Debating skills:

It's all very well having your say, but do you really know how to form an argument and debate an issue? In just 6 easy steps we'll show you how.

So what is a debate?

A debate involves a discussion of the pros and cons of an issue. Debating successfully is all about using argument and persuasion to convince other people that your views are right.
  6 steps to debating perfection:

1. Research: Research the subject, so that you have facts to back up your views. It helps to validate your answer so it becomes more than just your opinion.

2. Logic: Use logic to develop your case and make your points. Lead each point on from what you were previously saying. That way you build up a story and expand your answer.

3. Counter arguments: It's always good to be prepared so consider the counter arguments in advance. That way the other side can't catch you out and you're always prepared.

4. Keep an open mind: Be open minded and prepared to change your opinion if you the other side convinces you your argument is flawed.

In the heat of a debate it's easy to lose your cool

5. Don't get personal: In the heat of a debate it's easy to lose your cool and attack the other person for having a different opinion to you. But remember they're entitled to that opinion and just because they don't think the same as you it's not a bad thing.

6. Stay Focused: Stick to the subject being debated and don't stray into other areas. It sounds obvious but it's easy to do once you start debating.

Debate Forum / The Importance of Good Debate Skills
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:06:07 PM »

The importance of Good Debate Skills
I love debates. I love looking at them and I love getting into them. Debating is probably one of the best learning tools that you could possibly have. This is exactly why no black community with children should be without a debating league. No matter what profession you enter, you will need to know how to debate. If you are going to be an entrepreneur, then you should understand that your advertisement is nothing more than a form of debate with your competitors. If you are an engineer... oh boy, I remember from my days as a little jr. Soil Scientist in the ATL how heated meetings can become regarding the allocation of funds and the awarding of contracts. I also remember the heated moments I had with the builders and the contractors with regarding violations of ASTM standards. Debating skills are fundamental. A mentor of mine who knew Malcolm X from his days at NOI mosque #7 in Harlem, NY said that Malcolm used to always teach people never to loose a debate. Man, I really don't think people know just how important that is.

I really hope that community activists reading this will get off their butts this summer and start working on that. But you know... education should not just be for children. I think our community centers should also have classes where our adults can learn how to debate. That's enough with that topic. Here are some links on how to improve your debate skills...

List of debating skills by homework central
Planet Debate

Challenging Eurocentric Science and Math Paradigms
I am challenging people to change the way they think of science. When I mention the term "scientist," people think of people with aprons and goggles, beakers and Bunsen burners and I am sick of this narrow-mindedness. Here is what Merriam-Webster's dictionary has to say about what is science:

Pronunciation: 'sI-&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin scientia, from scient-, sciens having knowledge, from present participle of scire to know; probably akin to Sanskrit chyati he cuts off, Latin scindere to split -- more at SHED Date: 14th century
1 : the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding
2 a : a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study b : something (as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge
3 a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method b : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : NATURAL SCIENCE
4 : a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws

Do you realize that just about everything requires a system of analytical reasoning? Since when was this stuff limited to the age of Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo? Why is the magnificence of Science in the modern context limited to the faculties of MIT, Stanford, Harvard, University of Michigan and Cal Tech? The paradigm of Eurocentrism, as can be clearly seen in any Foundations of Education class, begins with Greece, as I have spoke about in a previous mantidote, divides into classes. The word "School" comes from the Greek word for "brotherhood." It is the same concept as a fraternity, which is a selective group of people. In other words, Educational values throughout European culture have always been class based. During the "age of enlightenment," the educated person could be distinguished by his ability to read and write. Most people could not. Furthermore, you had to read in write in Latin. In other Non-European cultures, a solid education was considered to be a necessary part of being a functional person in society and educational practice was integrated within rites-of-passage into manhood and womanhood. Examples of this include medicinal practices of the Massai, which are learned through rites-of-passage and the sand drawings of the Sokwe peoples of southern Africa.

The same thing goes for the definition of a mathematician. I decided to consult Merriam-Webster's dictionary again for the definition of mathematics. Here's what I came up with:

Pronunciation: "math-'ma-tiks, "ma-th&-
Function: noun plural but usually singular in construction
Date: 1581
1 : the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations

If this is mathematics, then why are professionals like accountants, stockbrokers, meteorologists, inventors, pilots, plumbers and master electricians excluded from this definition when all of those things involve an analytical mind for phenomena that involve numbers? There are so many people that I meet that have a mind for math that don't even realize it and insist that math is not for them! The sad part is that there are so many different ways to learn mathematics. But we are forced to learn under what I choose to call "Fraternal Learning." That is… if you do not fit into a certain class of a learning style, then you are rendered ignorant and unable to be of significant intellectual capabilities. What's funny is the very idols of Eurocentric Science paradigms such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein also had trouble with being understood in grade school.

I challenge African American teachers to learn about their own indigenous ways of knowing. Be on the lookout for works by me in the future on the subject of indigenous African Knowledge and applied Afro-centrism (that means join my mailing list, hahaha). Meanwhile, I highly recommend:

"Know Thyself" and "Light from Ancient Africa" by Na'im Akbar

"Africa Counts: Number and Pattern in African Culture" by Claudia
"Science and an African Logic" by Helen Verran

Debate Forum / Basic Debating Skills.
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:04:57 PM »

Basic Debating Skills:

    * What is a debate ?
    * What is a topic ?
    * The Definition
    * The Team Line
    * The Roles of the Speakers
    * What is Matter ?
    * What is Manner ?
    * What is Method ?
    * Rebuttal
    * The Marking Scheme


A debate is, basically, an argument. That is not to say that it is an undisciplined shouting match between parties that passionately believe in a particular point of view. In fact the opposite is true. Debating has strict rules of conduct and quite sophisticated arguing techniques and you will often be in a position where you will have to argue the opposite of what you believe in.


If a debate is a form of argument then it logically follows that there must be something to argue about. This is called the TOPIC. The topic changes from debate to debate. They are often about current issues of public importance ("That Canberra should have self government") or about general philosophies or ideas ("That beauty is better than brains"). All topics begin with the word "That". As in other arguments there are two sides to any topic. The team that agrees with the topic is called the AFFIRMATIVE (or the `government' in parliamentary debating) and the team that disagrees with the topic is called the NEGATIVE (or the `opposition' in parliamentary debating). When organising a debate it is important to select a topic that is appropriate to the age and education of the debaters concerned. Often topics will cover areas that the debaters have a specific interest in or, in the case of schools debates, that have been covered in classes or are current news items. Click here for a list of possible topics from the Queensland Debating Union.


If a debate is going to take place then it must be agreed in advance what the debate is going to be about. Thus it must be agreed what the topic means. This may seem obvious in a topic like "That Canberra should have self government" but with something like "That a cabbage is better than a rose" is might not be so clear. Deciding and explaining what a topic means is called `defining the topic'. The job of defining begins with the AFFIRMATIVE. The first speaker of the affirmative must explain in clear terms what they believe the topic means. In deciding this the affirmative team should always try to use the "person on the street" test. That is if this topic were presented to the average person on the street - is this what they would take it to mean. Where the topic is too obscure to allow this test then apply the `reasonability' test. The affirmative team should ask themselves "Is this definition reasonable ? Is it something the average person might expect ? Does it allow for both sides of the debate ?". If you can answer yes to these questions then the definition is probably reasonable, if not search for something more reasonable. Try to avoid the dictionary, except in cases where you don't understand a word. In your definition explain the meaning of the whole topic rather than each separate word.

The negative team may agree with or choose to challenge the definition presented. The negative team should be very careful about challenging as it is difficult to continue the debate with two definitions. Challenges may be made if the definition given is unreasonable or if it defines the opposition out of the debate. If the negative team chooses to challenge the definition it should be done by the first speaker who should clearly outline why the negative is challenging and then propose a better definition.


Because debating is a team event it is important that the three speakers work together as a team. The TEAM LINE is the basic statement of "why the topic is true" (for the affirmative) and "why the topic is false" (for the negative). It should be a short sentence, presented by the first speaker of each team and used by the other two speakers to enforce the idea of teamwork.

In a debating team each speaker has specified roles that they must fulfil to play their part in the team. They are laid out below in the order that the speakers will speak.

1st Affirmative must:

- define the topic.

- present the affirmative's team line.

- outline briefly what each speaker in their team will talk about.

- present the first half of the affirmative case.

1st negative must:

- accept or reject the definition. If you don't do this it is assumed that you accept the definition.

- present the negative team line.

- outline briefly what each of the negative speakers will say.

- rebut a few of the main points of the first affirmative speaker.

- the 1st negative should spend about one quarter of their time rebutting.

- present the first half of the negative team's case.

2nd affirmative must:

- reaffirm the affirmative's team line.

- rebut the main points presented by the 1st negative.

- the 2nd affirmative should spend about one third of their time rebutting.

- present the second half of the affirmative's case.

2nd negative must:

- reaffirm the negative's team line.

- rebut some of the main points of the affirmative's case.

- the 2nd negative should spend about one third of their time rebutting.

- present the second half of the negative's case.

3rd affirmative must:

- reaffirm the affirmative's team line.

- rebut all the remaining points of the negative's case.

- the 3rd affirmative should spend about two thirds to three quarters of their time rebutting.

- present a summary of the affirmative's case.

- round off the debate for the affirmative.

3rd negative must:

- reaffirm the negative's team line.

- rebut all the remaining points of the affirmative's case.

- the 3rd negative should spend about two thirds to three quarters of their time rebutting.

- present a summary of the negative's case.

- round off the debate for the negative.

Neither third speaker may introduce any new parts of their team's cases.


In debating each team will present points in favor of their case. They will also spend some time criticising the arguments presented by the other team. This is called rebuttal. There are a few things to remember about rebuttal.

1. Logic - to say that the other side is wrong is not enough. You have to show why the other side is wrong. This is best done by taking a main point of the other side's argument and showing that it does not make sense. Because a lot of the thinking for this needs to be done quickly this is one of the most challenging and enjoyable aspects of debating.

2. Pick the important points - try to rebut the most important points of the other side's case. You will find that after a while these are easier and easier to spot. One obvious spot to find them is when the first speaker of the other team outlines briefly what the rest of the team will say. But do not rebut those points until after they have actually been presented by the other team.

3. `Play the ball' - do not criticize the individual speakers, criticize what they say. To call someone fat, ugly or a nerd does not make what they say wrong and it will also lose you marks.


There are many techniques that each speaker can use in their speech but there are three main areas that you will be marked on and they are matter, method and manner.


Matter is what you say, it is the substance of your speech. You should divide your matter into arguments and examples.

An argument is a statement "The topic is true (or false depending on which side you are on) because of x", where the argument fills in for the x . For example in the topic "That the zoos should be closed" an argument may be: "the zoos should be closed because they confine the animals in an unnatural environment".

An example is a fact or piece of evidence which supports an argument. If our argument is: "that zoos should be closed because they confine the animals in an unnatural environment" then an example might be: "that in the lion cage at Taronga Park Zoo in Sydney the animals only have about 200 square meters where in the wild they would have 2000 square kilometers to roam in.".

Any examples that you use should be relevant to the topic at hand. Examples which have very little or nothing to do with the topic only make a speech look weak and lacking substance.

Matter cannot be just a long list of examples. You do not win a debate by creating the biggest pile of facts. Facts are like bricks in a wall, if you don't use them, cement them together properly then they are useless. Similarly you cannot win a debate solely by proving that some of the facts of the opposition are wrong. It may weaken their case a little, the same way that removing some of the bricks from a wall will, but you really need to attack the main arguments that the other side presents to bring the whole wall crashing down.

Many debates are on currently important issues so it is good for any debater to keep themselves informed of what is happening in the world around them and what are the issues involved. Watching the news helps (but watch a credible broadcast like the ABC , you are hardly likely to get a topic on some heartwarming story about a lost cat in western Sydney) as does reading a good paper or periodical like the Canberra Times or the Sydney Morning Herald.


Where matter is what you say method is how you organize what you say. There are many delicious pieces of the method pie; here are a few tantalizing crumbs.......

1. TEAM. Good team method involves unity and logic. Unity is created by all members being aware of the definition, what the other speakers have said and what the team line is. Each member of the team needs to reinforce the team line and be consistent with what has already been said and what will be said by the other members of their team. You may as well shoot yourself in the foot as change the team line mid debate just because you think it isn't working. Your team will look poorly organized and will be severely penalized by the adjudicator.

2. INDIVIDUAL. You must structure your own speech well. The first step is to have a clear idea of your own arguments and which examples you will be using to support those arguments. As you speak make a clear division between arguments and let the audience know when you are moving from one argument to the next, this is called sign posting and is a very important debating tool. The key thing to remember is that although you know exactly what you are saying the audience has never heard it before and will only hear it once so you have to be very clear about it.

When you are presenting one particular argument make sure that the argument is logical (makes sense) and that you make clear links between your team line and the argument, and between the argument and the examples that you will use to support it.

Rebuttal should be organized the same way. Attack each argument that the opposition presents in turn. Spend a little while on each and then move on to the next. That way the other team's case is completely demolished.

Also organize your speech well in terms of time. Adjudicators can pick up when you are waffling just to fill in time .... and can see when you've spent too long on one point and then have to rush through all your other points and rebuttal just to finish your speech in time. Whew!! You will probably make a few mistakes with this early on but practice makes perfect.


Manner is how you present what you say and there are various aspects of manner that you need to be aware of. There is no one prescribed way of presenting your argument. It is not true, no matter what Paul Keating thinks, that the best way of being convincing is to shout and thump on the table. The best advice you can get is to develop a manner style that is natural to you. Here are some tips and pointers.

1. CUE CARDS. Do not write out your speech on cue cards. There is even a current, and indeed deplorable, trend towards computer generated cue cards. Debating is an exercise in lively interaction between two teams and between the teams and the audience, not in reading a speech. Use cue cards the same way you would use a prompt it a play, they are there for reference if you lose your spot. You can tell when someone is reading.. remember the television announcements by the politicians in the recent ACT elections?

2 EYE CONTACT. Is very closely related to cue cards. If you look at the audience you will hold their attention. If you spend your time reading from cue cards or looking at a point just above the audience's head they will lose concentration very quickly. When you've got them by the eyeballs their hearts and minds will follow.

3 VOICE. There are many things you can do with your voice to make it effective. You must project so that you can be heard but 4 minutes of constant shouting will become very annoying very quickly. ( Like a butcher shouting out the daily specials ). Use volume, pitch and speed to emphasise important points in your speech. A sudden loud burst will grab your audience's attention while a period of quiet speaking can draw your audience in and make them listen carefully.

4. BODY. "Work it baby, work it!". ( Although any other links between the movie Pretty Woman and debating end here ! Your body is a tool for you to use. Make hand gestures deliberately and with confidence (a fine example of someone who can't is that idiot on the Canberra Toyota ads at the moment). Move your head and upper body to maintain eye contact with all members of the audience (although automatically moving your head from side to side makes the adjudicator want to pop a ping-pong ball in there). If you want to walk up and down do so but move with effect and deliberately, don't wear worry lines into the carpet. If you are going to stand still, stand with confidence. Don't let your body apologise for your presence by appearing nervous.

5 NERVOUS HABITS. Avoid them like the plague. Playing with your cue cards, pulling on a stray strand of hair, fiddling with your watch, bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet or bouncing your cue cards off the nose of the nearest audience member as you are finished with them only distracts from your presentation. Use your whole person to effect, don't let any one thing detract from your ability to persuade the audience.

6 ELOCUTION AND OTHER BIG WORDS. This is not an exercise in grammar or elocution. Try to avoid being too informal but don't go overboard the other way. There are no marks to be gained from trying to use big words you don't understand or can't pronounce. In the same way it is a huge mistake to let someone else write your speech. People that do that aren't entering the spirit or developing the skills of debating and end up looking really silly getting stuck on a word they just can't say.


Every adjudicator marks to a standard. You will get a mark out of 40 for matter, 40 for manner and 20 for method, a mark out of 100 total. The average for any speaker is 75 and most marks won't go much outside 6 or 7 marks either side of that. Don't spend your debating life worrying about numbers, like most statistics they are meaningless unless you understand the reasons behind them. Adjudicators are friendly people who will happily speak with you after the debate and tell you about your individual performance.

Journalism & Mass Communication / 40TH INDEPENDENCE DAY
« on: March 26, 2011, 12:00:24 PM »

Dear All,
We are really happy to share with you that our team reached at Final round of the Inter University Debate Championship 2011 organized by Jahangirnagar University Debate Organization (JUDO). Another finalist team is Dhaka University Debating Society (DUDS). It will be a great show.

Please pray for our team.

We are getting ready for our success.

Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb
Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC)

Dear All,
We are really happy to share with you that our team reached at Semi Final round of the Inter University Debate Championship 2011 organized by Jahangirnagar University Debate Organization (JUDO).

Please pray for our team.

We are getting ready for our next success.

Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb
Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC)

Dear All,
We are really happy to share with you that our team reached at Quarter Final round of the Brac Inter University Debate Championship 2011.

Please pray for our team.

We are getting ready for our next success.

Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb
Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC)

Journalism & Mass Communication / ACID RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:25:44 PM »
A nuclear power plant in Fukumi, Japan exploded at 4.30am today. Japan Government confirms Radiation  leak at nuclear  plants. So, if rain comes remain indoors first 24 hours. If you are outside, be sure that you have rain protectors. It's Acid rain. Take extra precautions. Don't let it touch you. Radiation  will hit thyroid areas first. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer.

Please pass the information & stay safe.

Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb

Debate Forum / Rules of WSDC
« on: March 12, 2011, 04:16:05 PM »

Notes for Adjudicators:

compiled by Christopher Erskine (Australia)
with Rosemary Dixon and Andrew Stockley (NZ),
Elizabeth Virgo (Bermuda) and David Pritchard (Wales)

Introduction: The Worlds Style
The rules of debate at the World Schools Debating Championship are a
unique blend of rules from different nations. No single country invented
the style, and no single country uses the style as its own national
Each debate has two teams. Each team has three debaters, who each
speak once. After each speaker has spoken once, each team has one
reply speech. This can be given by the first or second speaker on the
team. The reply speech is half the length of the main speeches. During
the main speeches the opposing team can offer points of information (see
section 5). However, no points may be offered during the reply speeches.
The motions that the teams debate are general issues rather than specific
programs or proposals. Thus the government team may have to argue in
favour of voluntary euthanasia as a principle: it would not have to put
forward a specific legislative proposal to implement euthanasia except,
perhaps, to define the motion or demonstrate that regulating euthanasia
is practical. The emphasis is upon the principle, not the specifics.
The debate is between teams, not individuals. Each team member has a
specific part of the team case to present, and must also attack the other
side and defend the team from attack. As the debate progresses, more
and more time must be spent dealing with issues already raised in the
debate, and less and less time must be spent on new argument and
Each team must persuade the audience that its argument is superior. To
do this it must present sound logical arguments, it must present them in
an interesting and persuasive speaking style, and it must structure and
priorities its arguments. All three aspects of debate are given emphasis.
This competition does not encourage just pure argument or pure rhetoric
on their own, but an effective blend of both.

It is an international contest. Issues must have an international
perspective, examples must be relevant to the global community, and
there must be tolerance of difference to a far higher degree than in
national or local competitions. In particular there must be tolerance of
differences in language and accent, or if we are not careful the English
language can divide us instead of uniting us.
The competition includes teams of vastly different background, not only in
debating but even in English itself. While each team nurtures the hope
that it may win the Grand Final, mere participation is a worthwhile
experience in itself for all the teams. Success in the competition can be
measured according to who wins the Grand Final : success can also be
measured by exposure to new ideas and development of personal skills.
Both aspects of success must be given due allowance by judges.
Before discussing specific matters, let me outline three fundamental
principles :
1. A good argument is a good argument, no matter where a team comes
2. Everybody else except you has a funny accent.
3. Just because teams back home wouldn't do it doesn't make it wrong.
The first principle says that logic is universal: your country doesn't have a
monopoly on it. To put it another way, don't prejudge debates by the
nationality or background of the teams. Non-English-speaking teams have
defeated some of the top teams in past years, teams from small nations
have won the Grand Final, and teams from countries in their inaugural
year in the tournament have beaten long-established teams.
The second principle says that you should be prepared for major
differences from what you are used to back home - accents, terminology,
even the examples used to illustrate an argument. Your first international
debate can be a real culture shock.
The third principle says that not everything that we do back home is
essential to good debating. Each country has its own style of debating,
which leads to particular national rules about what debaters can and can't
do. But in the different style at a world competition. some of these rules
from back home might be inappropriate. So leave your rule books in your
suitcase and concentrate on the essentials of good debating.

(1) The Mark Sheet
In 1993 the World Council adopted a standard mark sheet. Marks are
awarded to each speaker as follows:
Content 40
Style 40
Strategy 20

In the reply speeches, the marks are halved. There is no global mark for
Remember that this is a different mark sheet from what you are used to at
home. You can't judge these debates by adapting the international
mark sheet to fit domestic mark sheets with which you are more familiar.
So leave your own mark sheet in your suitcase along with your national
rule books, and look at this mark sheet with no preconceptions of what
the categories mean.

1.1 Content
Content covers the arguments that are used, divorced from the speaking
style. It is as if you are seeing the arguments written down rather than
spoken. You must assess the weight of the arguments without being
influenced by the magnificence of the orator that presented them.
Content will also include an assessment of the weight of rebuttal or clash.
This assessment must be done from the standpoint of the average
reasonable person.
The adjudicator's job is to assess the strength of an argument regardless
of whether the other team is able to knock it down. If a team introduces a
weak argument, it will not score highly in content even if the other team
doesn't t refute it. Two consequences flow from this, however:
First, if a major team argument is plainly weak, an opposing team which
doesn't refute it may well have committed a greater sin than the team
which introduced it. In effect the team has let the other team get away
with a weak argument. This is not an automatic rule, but is true in many
cases. Of course, it must be a major argument, not a minor example
which the opposing team correctly chooses to ignore in favour of
attacking more significant points.

Second, adjudicators have to be careful not to be influenced by their own
beliefs and prejudices, nor by their own specialised knowledge. For
example, if you are a lawyer and you know that a team's argument was
debunked by the International Court of Justice last week, you should
probably not take into account this special knowledge unless the ICJ's
decision was a matter of extreme public notoriety.
Distancing oneself from personal attitudes is particularly difficult in
international competitions. Teams may use examples from your part of
the world that you know to be wrong, but would you expect people from
other countries to know that the example is wrong ? For example, I doubt
that I would penalise a team which had an incomplete though superficially
correct understanding of Australian foreign policy. But I would be less
understanding of a team which displayed an incomplete understanding of
American or Japanese foreign policy, for example, because of the
importance of' those countries in so many international issues.

1.2 Style
The term is perhaps misleading. Adjudicators are not looking for speakers
who are stylish, but rather they are looking at the style of the speakers.
Style covers the way the speakers speak. As has already been noted, this
can be done in many ways, in funny accents and with the use of strange
terminology. Put the strangeness out of your mind and be tolerant of
different ways of presenting arguments.
There are some particular things that you need to be warned about in
Debaters from some countries (especially Australia and New Zealand)
tend to speak very quickly and can be quite aggressive.Debaters from
other countries (especially North America) tend to be slower and more
For some teams, English is a second language and there are occasionally
strong accents, odd words and (once or twice) a pause while the speaker
thinks how to express the thought in English.
North American teams tend to use large foolscap pads and speak behind
lecterns: Australian and New Zealand debaters use small palm cards and
speak in front of the lectern.
None of this matters!

Yet things as trivial as the use of palm cards and standing in front of
lectern have been commented on in international debates, on one
occasion a Grand Final! Any adjudicator who finds these things important
should seriously consider whether they should be adjudicating in this
competition. You will be seeing highly skilled debaters presenting very
sophisticated arguments. If the best you can say is that they should be
using palm cards rather than writing pads, you've probably missed the
point of the debate.
Of course a speaker's style may cease to be an expression of a particular
national debating style and become intensely irritating to everyone. For
example there is still a speed limit on speaking, even though it may be
higher than you are used to back home. But be tolerant of differences,
and only intervene when a speaker's style has gone beyond what
everyone would accept.

1.2.1 Accents and National Characteristics
Linguists tell us that some accents are more "acceptable" than others. For
example, BBC Southern English has become the Received Pronunciation in
Britain. Regional accents such as West Country are quaint and rustic, but
are often thought to be a handicap for someone who wants to be
successful in politics or big business.
Virtually every English speaking country faces this problem. It affects
accents within a country, and also accents between countries. The
comedian Peter Sellers was responsible for a great deal of humour at the
expense of Indian accents, yet in reality these accents are no more lilting
or incomprehensible than Welsh or Irish accents. Australians snigger at
New Zealand accents - but other countries can't tell the difference
between them.
Teams should not be penalized just because their accent is less
acceptable than others. Nor should teams be rewarded for the good
fortune of coming from a region whose accent is more acceptable than
others. Of course nobody would consciously penalise a team in this way,
but the influences of acceptability of accents are subtle and pernicious.
Can we truly place our hand on our heart at the end of a debate and say
that we were not swayed by the "cuteness" of one team's accent or the
"stridency" of another? Perhaps we weren’t: speakers can be cute or
strident in the way they speak but were we marking the speaker or the
There is a further and more difficult issue involved here. Teams from non-
English speaking backgrounds may well speak English with a "foreign"
accent. We tend to judge them more harshly because of this fact, whether

we are conscious of it or not; but if we analyze closely the way these
teams speak English, we find that many of them are very fluent in English
and are readily understandable. If anything some of these teams are
more understandable than the occasional broad Glaswegian or high-speed
Australian that we get from native English speaking teams.
However, while we must give due credit to teams for whom English is a
second language, this is not the same thing as giving credit to these
teams for the very difficult task of debating in a foreign language. Judges
might be tempted to be sympathetic and mark these teams on a more
generous scale. This is against the rules (see Rule 18(b)).
Non-English-speaking teams take part in the competition on the same
footing as native English speaking teams. They take part knowing that
they will be against teams for whom English is a first language. If this
sometimes leads to one-sided debates, that is a fact of life in the
competition and should be reflected in the marks. But if they are
genuinely as fluent and persuasive as the native English speakers, one
should mark them accordingly.

1.3 Strategy
Strategy requires some attention. I think it covers two concepts:
1. The structure and timing of the speech, and
2. Whether the speaker understood the issues of the debate.
These matters are sufficiently important to justify taking them separately.

1.3.1 Structure and timing
A good speech has a clear beginning, middle and end. Along the way
there are signposts to help us see where the speaker is going. The
sequence of arguments is logical and flows naturally from point to point.
This is as true of a first speaker outlining the government case as it is of
the third speaker rebutting the government case. Good speech structure,
therefore is one component of strategy.
Timing is also important, but it must not be taken to extremes. There are
two aspects to timing.
1. Speaking within the allowed time limit, and
2. Giving an appropriate amount of time to the issues in the speech.

As to the first, a speaker who goes significantly over time (for example, 9
minutes in an 8 minute speech) ought to get a penalty. Equally, a speaker
who goes significantly under time (for example, 7 minutes in an 8 minute
speech) in most cases would get a similar penalty. Bear in mind,
however, that timing is only one element of strategy. A speaker whose
only sin is to go over time might still get a reasonable strategy mark if
every other aspect of strategy was quite outstanding. It would not be a
brilliant mark - there would still be a penalty - but it would not
automatically be a very low mark either. It all depends how good the rest
of the elements of strategy were.
As to the second, a speaker ought to give priority to important issues and
leave unimportant ones to later. For example it is generally a good idea
for a rebuttal speaker ( i.e. anyone other than the first speaker for the
government) to begin with the attack on the other side before going on to
the speaker's positive case This is because it is more logical to get rid of
the opposing argument first before trying to put something in its place.
A speaker should also give more time to important issues. If there is a
critical point that buttresses the whole of that team's case, it ought to get
a fair amount of time so that it can be properly established. But if there is
a point that is fairly trivial, it doesn't deserve more than a trivial amount
of time.
So the adjudicator must weigh up not only the strength of the arguments
in the content category, but also the proper time and priority that was
given to them in the strategy category.

1.3.2 Understanding the issues
Closely related to the last point is that debaters should understand what
the important issues were in the debate. It is a waste of time for a
rebuttal speaker to deal with trivial points if crucial arguments are left
unanswered. Such a speaker would not understand the important issues
of the debate, and should not score well in strategy. By contrast, a
speaker who understood what the important issues were and dealt with
them thoroughly should score well in strategy.
It is very important that adjudicators understand the difference between
strategy and content. Imagine a debate where a speaker answers the
critical issues with some weak rebuttal. This speaker should get poor
marks for content, because the rebuttal was weak. But the speaker
should get reasonable marks for strategy, because the right arguments
were being addressed.

(2) Logical Argument
There are two ways to prove that a proposition is true.
1. You can look at every known instance and show that in each case the
proposition holds good.
2. You can analyse the proposition and show that it is supported by other
known principles.
In debating it is usually impossible to use the first type of reasoning,
because we debate generalisations with millions if not billions of known
instances. So, we have to use the second type of reasoning. However, an
amazing number of debaters don't seem to understand the difference.

2.1 A Hypothetical Example
Suppose that two teams are debating the motion that "this house believes
that we are all feminists now". The government chooses to interpret the
motion reasonably literally: How does it prove its case?
Obviously it cannot ask everybody in the world whether or not they are
feminists. Nor can it rely upon opinion polls: if the motion was as simple
to prove as that, it wouldn't have been set for debate. Instead, it is going
to have to make some generalizations about the motion in order to
present a coherent argument within the time allowed.
For example, it could look at the public attitudes of important institutions
in society such as governments big businesses, schools, religions, the
media and sport. Part of its reasoning process would be that when the
major institutions change their attitudes they either reflect the views of'
the general public or, perhaps, lead the general public towards new
The first government speaker could outline a central thesis that went
something like this: "In today's society the major institutions generally
adopt feminist attitudes. These institutions either lead society (such as
the media) or reflect the views of the majority in society (such as
parliaments and big business).
From that point onwards we know what the government team Is going to
prove. When it discusses the role and attitudes of each major institution
in society we can see why it is doing it and where the argument is going.
The same thesis will run through all three government speakers so that
all of them have made their contribution to proving the government case.

I don't want to get side-tracked into an argument whether this is a
winning case or not. Rather, I want to illustrate the point that the
government team has to present a generalized case and prove it logically,
rather than relying upon large numbers of examples in the hope that
these will do the job instead.

2.2 One Case or Several?
If we accept that a case has to be a central thesis supported by each
speaker, it is obvious that a team cannot be internally contradictory in its
team case, it is a debate between teams, not a discussion between 6
individuals. All speakers on a team must be contributing to the same
case, not to different ones.
Using the feminist example above, suppose that the first government
speaker had outlined the case set out above. The second speaker could
not present an argument that said that we were all hypocrites who merely
gave lip-service to feminism. While this is a valid government case it is
quite inconsistent with the case presented by the first speaker, if we were
all hypocrites, then the major institutions in society would not be
reflecting any general attitude in support of feminism.

2.3 Rebuttal or Clash
The use of generalized cases has consequences for rebuttal or clash. The
opposition team cannot concentrate on attacking the examples used by
the government. The examples might be weak, but the central case might
still be sound. Instead, it will have to concentrate on attacking that case,
because that is where the debate actually lies.
In the feminist motion above, suppose that the government team used as
an example the pro-feminist attitudes of one newspaper from a small
country town. If the opposition team attacked just that example, it would
show only that the government has chosen a particularly weak example
to illustrate its argument. But the government case might still be sound.
It might be true that the media generally had feminist attitudes, even if
the example it chose to illustrate the point was a poor one.
Therefore, to succeed in this part of the debate, the opposition would
have to show that the media generally did not have pro-feminist
attitudes. Of course: It could ridicule the government: "Is such a trivial
example the best that you can find to illustrate your case?". But this
would merely be part of the process of attacking the general proposition
that the media is pro-feminist rather than an end in itself.

There is another consequence for rebuttal. It may be that the government
has used a number of examples to illustrate the same point. If they can
all be disposed of with the same piece of rebuttal, the opposition does not
have to attack each of the examples individually as well.
For example, suppose that the government in the feminist debate looked
at the attitudes towards feminism in the major religions of the country.
The opposition could respond in two ways to this argument. It could rebut
the supposedly pro-feminist attitudes in each of those religions.
Alternatively it could argue that religion plays such a minor role in society
that the feminist attitudes of religions are largely irrelevant to the debate.
Thus it would be unnecessary for it to deal with each example of a major
religion dealt with by the government, because all of them are irrelevant
according to its arguments.

2.4 The Reply Speech
The thematic approach to argument outlined above becomes critical in the
reply speeches. These have been described as "an adjudication from our
side" and really amount to an overview of the major issues in the debate.
A reply speaker does not have time to deal with small arguments or
individual examples. The speaker must deal with the two or three major
issues in the debate in global terms, showing how they favour the
speaker's team and work against the opposition team. As a general rule,
a reply speaker who descends to the level of dealing with individual
examples probably doesn't understand either the issues of the debate or
the principles of good argument.

(3) Three-a-Side Debating
Three-a-side debating is not just a two-a-side debate with an extra
speaker on each side. There is a clear progression from the opening
speaker who presents entirely new material to the closing speaker who
deals entirely with what has been said by the previous 5 speakers. Each
team has to work closely together, and understand that they are
members of a team rather than individuals.
We can all agree on that part, but there are two particular issues that
have arisen in previous World Championships that need some further

3.1 The Case Division
With three speakers on a team, the positive argument has to be divided
between the first two (and perhaps the third government as well). This
sounds very simple, but there is one major principle that must be looked
at more closely.
The division cannot be along the steps of the team case, but instead has
to be along some other lines. This sounds like an essay in university logic,
so let me illustrate the point with an actual debate from the 1990
The motion for debate was "that Mr Gorbachev's reforms will fail"
(amazing how out of date these motions have become in just a few
The first government set out what Mr Gorbachev's reforms were.
The second government demonstrated the growing backlash to those
The third government tied this together by showing that because of the
scale of the backlash, the reforms would fail.
This case was quite logical. But at the end of the first government
speaker, what did the opposition have to refute? The answer was,
absolutely nothing. There was no disagreement on what the reforms
were, so there was no debate at this stage. At the end of the second
government speaker, there was still nothing to refute. The opposition
agreed entirely that there was a backlash. We were now two-thirds of the
way through the debate, and we were yet to have a debate! It was only
at the third speakers that any debate happened at all, because this was
the first point where there was any disagreement between the
teams.Debate is not confined to the third speakers. It takes place
throughout the debate. While early speakers must concentrate on
presenting positive arguments, they still have some obligations to rebut
the other side. But if all this has to wait until the third speakers, it means
that over 80% of the debate is over before anyone gets to debate
anything, it also means that the government sets just one short reply
speech in which to deal with the opposition's attacks.
The problem with this case division was that it divided the argument
along the steps of the reasoning process. An opposition team does not
have to disagree with all those steps. So long as it disagrees with the final
conclusion, it can still win a debate.

So the government must find some other way of dividing the argument. It
can be on significant themes, or (less attractively) on examples. For
example, in the debate discussed above the first speaker might look at
reforms in economic policy, while the second speaker looks at reforms in
the military and the government.
The problem with this division is that both speakers would be repeating
the same major argument and merely using different examples to
illustrate it. To that extent it might be repetitive and boring. But the
important point is that each speech can stand on its own to prove that the
whole case is true in at least some situations. It is only in this way that a
speech can be rebutted, and thus that a debate can take place.

3.2 The Opposition Case
The opposition is not obliged to present its own positive case in world
championship debates. It can, if it wishes, merely attack the government
case throughout without putting up a case of its own. However, this is
potentially weak, and most opposition teams in fact present their own
positive argument as well.
This proceeds in much the same way as the government's with one
important exception. The third opposition's job is primarily rebuttal of
what has gone before. This speaker can (but does not have to) introduce
a small line of argument which has been clearly outlined in advance by
the opening speakers and which ties in with the opposition case. But she
or he cannot introduce any substantial new argument, especially one that
has not been clearly outlined in advance by earlier speakers. The reason
is obvious: the government gets only one brief reply speech in which to
deal with it. This is unfair, and also makes the bulk of the debate
meaningless because the significant arguments have taken so long to
come out and be discussed.

In a debate in the 1992 Championships, one opposition team left its
major argument until the third speaker. The argument was announced by
the first speaker in only the most elliptical terms. The third speaker
refused all points of information, and instead of rebuttal presented the
major new argument in the bulk of his speech. No matter hour good the
argument was, it could not have won the debate. Because their team's
most important argument had been left so late, the first two opposition
speakers had little to say and were a long way behind their opponents
from the government team. The third speaker had to lose marks for
refusing points of information, and also strategy and content marks for
introducing such a substantial amount of new argument.

3.3 The Roles of the Speakers
The debate begins with a speaker whose arguments are entirely new. As
it goes on, more and more time is spent dealing with what has been said
by previous speakers, and less and less comes in that is new. By the end
of the debate there is no new argument, and the speakers deal only with
what has gone before.
If you were to graph this, there would be a line dropping from 100% new
matter at first government to almost O% at third opposition and replies,
and a corresponding line rising from O% rebuttal at first government to
almost 100% rebuttal at third opposition and replies.
The first government defines the motion, outlines the government case,
announces the case division, and presents her or his part of the case.
The first opposition deals with the definition if it is a problem, explains
the important differences between the two team cases, and either
outlines the opposition case, announces the case division, and presents
her or his part of the case, or-outlines the opposition's rebuttal case (i.e.
the broad themes the opposition will use throughout the debate to rebut
the government case) and expands on it.

The difference between these two approaches depends on whether the
opposition is content just to present a rebuttal case, or takes the stronger
route and presents its own alternative case as well.
The second government defends the government definition (if
required) and case from the opposition attacks, rebuts the opposition
case, and proceeds with her or his part of the government case.
Somewhere around 2 to 3 minutes into the speech the speaker will turn
from attacking the opposition to presenting the new part of the argument.
The second opposition does much the same as the second government,
If the opposition is presenting its own alternative case as well, this
speaker will turn from attacking the government to presenting the new
part of the argument somewhere around 3 to 4 minutes into the speech.
The third government is going to spend a large part of her or his time
attacking the other side. However, she or he can have a small part of the
government case to present - Perhaps 1 or 2 minutes at the most. This is
not obligatory, although many teams do it.

The third opposition is going to spend most of her or his time attacking
the other side, rather than presenting significant new arguments, She or
he can have an even smaller part of the opposition case to present, but
again this is not obligatory. Note that the opposition reply follows straight on from this speech, so it is better for the third opposition to deal with the
detail of the government case and leave the broad overview to the reply
speech.The reply speeches are not going to delve into fine detail, but will
take a broad approach to the issues of the debate. They should also
summaries their own case either as part the analysis of the issues or
towards the end of the speech as a separate section. For obvious reasons
the reply speeches cannot introduce new arguments. Not only is this
unfair but a complete misunderstanding of the role of reply speeches The
reply speech is a summing up of the whole debate, not a chance to
introduce new ideas.

(4) Motions
4.1 Weighted motions
In the 1992 Championships most teams debated the motion "that this
house would ban all alcoholic drinks". The consensus among the judges
was that the motion was heavily weighted against the government. Yet
look what happened in three different debates on this motion when the
judges grappled with the weighting of the motion:
in the first, the judges weighted the debate to the government because
the motion was weighted the other way - in other words, they
compensated the government in marks for having such a tough side to
in the second, the judges felt that weighting was impossible to assess,
and did not try to redress the balance;
in the third, the judges decided not to redress the weighting because the
government team had actually chosen to be the government and thus
voluntarily taken the harder side.
The problem here is the inconsistency. If the opposition team which
narrowly lost the first debate had had the judges from the second debate,
it would have won convincingly.
It is very hard for judges to assess just what advantage one team has
because of the motion. It is better not to try to compensate for perceived
advantages, and leave it to those who set the motions to choose
reasonably balanced ones.

4.2 General Motions-From What Perspective?
In national debating it is sometimes legitimate to take a motion that is
expressed very broadly and debate it in the context of some national
issue of the day. For example, in Australia we might approach a motion
"that feminism has won" in the context of Australian attitudes to
feminism, rather than dealing with feminism globally. Of course, you don't
have to, but such a limitation can sometimes be acceptable.
At the international level however, such a limitation is generally not
acceptable. The competition includes a diverse range of countries and it is
certainly not confined to one group of countries such as liberal western
democracies or countries of the third world. This means that general
motions have to be taken in the context of' the whole world, not one part
of the world.

Once again, we have to rely upon those who set motions to be sensible. A
debate on the motion "that God is dead' is meaningful to western nations
where religion has been in decline for some time. But it is fairly
meaningless to many Islamic nations which are undergoing a religious
revival. Such a motion would not be a sensible one to set at a world
competition because the experience of different parts of the world is so
varied that it makes debate almost impossible.
And for those used to North American rules, time-setting and place setting
are not allowed. Time-setting puts the motion In a particular era
in history. Place-setting puts the motion in a particular place. Thus we
could time- and place-set the motion "that God is dead" in Israel shortly
before the birth of Christ and argue the motion as if we were alive in that
place at that time. But in World rules we can't, because this is not

4.3 Objectivity in Judging
It goes without saying that judges have to be as objective as possible.
But in the international context this causes some interesting problems,
because national perspectives on issues can be so different.
One of the most spectacular instances of this occurred in 1992 when
Australia debated Pakistan on the motion "that the West should leave the
Middle East alone". Australia, like most western countries, accepted
without question that Israel had a right to exist, and developed its
argument assuming this basic proposition. But Pakistan questioned this
proposition, asserting that Israel had no right to exist.

It was a fascinating debate in which many apparently unarguable
assumptions were argued strenuously. And if it had been judged by an
Israeli judge, what then? This is not a dig at Middle Eastern attitudes, but
an instance where an international debate raised highly contentious issues
which required judges to step outside their own narrow perspectives and
try to judge a debate from the standpoint of a hypothetical reasonable
citizen of the world.
Objectivity in intentional debating is much harder than in national
debating. Our views on the world are shaped to a large extent by our
national media.

Take the example of European and American farm subsidies. In Europe
and America the media emphasis is frequently on the effects on local
farmers if the subsidies were withdrawn. But in Australia and Canada the
media concentrates on the serious adverse effects of those subsidies on
their own farmers. Thus a debate between, say, Australia and the USA
where farm subsidies arose as an issue could be difficult to judge because
national perspectives might tend to color the judges' assessment of the
weight of the various arguments.

Judges also have to recognize that some motions require teams to take
hard options in argument rather than soft ones. If the motion were "that
we should abolish third world debts", the opposition would almost
certainly have to argue the need for international financial responsibility
by governments, no matter how tough and unfeeling this may sound. The
best debates are often ones between two strongly opposed arguments,
rather than between two wishy-washy cases that try to compromise at
every opportunity.

(5) Points of Information
Points of information were borrowed from British debating. However, in a
couple of respects they have taken on a life of their own in the World
Championships, and have to be treated as a phenomenon new to British
and non-British judges alike.

A point of information is offered in the course of a speech by a member of
the opposing team. The speaker may either accept the point or decline it.
If accepted, the opponent may make a short point or ask a short question
that deals with some issue in the debate (preferably one just made by the
speaker). It is, if you like, a formal interjection.

5.1 Debating is More than a Speech
Points of information bring about a major change in the role of speakers
in a debate. In this style each speaker must take part in the debate from
beginning to end, not just during their own speech. A first speaker for the
government continues to play an active role in the debate even when the
third speaker for the opposition is speaking. Equally, the third speaker for
the opposition must play an active role in the debate when the first
speaker for the government is speaking.

The speakers play this role by offering points of information. Even if the
points are not accepted, they must still demonstrate that they are
involved in the debate by at least offering. A speaker who takes no part in
the debate other than by making a speech should lose marks for content
and strategy - content for failing to take advantage of opportunities,
strategy for failing to understand the role of a speaker under this style.
Equally, speakers must ensure that they accept at least some points of
information during their speech. In an 8 minute speech, taking at least 2
would be expected (depending, of course, on how many are offered). A
speaker who fails to accept any points of information must lose marks for
content (failing to allow the other side to make points, thus reducing the
amount of direct clash between the two teams) and particularly strategy
(for not understanding the role of the speakers in this style - or, to put it
another way, for cowardice!). Of course, a speaker who takes too many
will almost certainly lose control of the speech and thus lose marks for
style and probably also for strategy (poor speech structure) and content
as well.

5.2 The Etiquette of Points of Information
A point of information is offered by standing and saying "Point of
information;' or something similar. The speaker on the floor is not obliged
to accept every point. She or he may - ask the interrupter to sit down
finish the sentence and then accept the point, or accept the point then
and there.

More than one member of the opposing team may rise simultaneously.
The speaker on the floor may decline all or some, and may choose which
one to take. The others then sit down. Opposing speakers must
sometimes tread a fine line between the legitimate offering of points of
information on the one hand, and barracking on the other. The fact that
points must be offered makes the style more aggressive and more prone
to interruptions. However, continuous offering by a team really amounts
to excessive interruption and is barracking. This should incur penalties in
style for the team members involved.

It is impossible to put a figure on how many points of information a team
may offer before its behavior constitutes barracking. Judges should
determine when the offering of points of information, far from adding to
the debate, begins to infringe on the right and/or ability of the speaker to
address the audience. This determination requires sensitivity to the
context of the particular debate: two well-matched and highly-skilled
teams may offer each other many points of information without disrupting
the debate or unsettling the speaker on the floor, but points offered at
this same high rate to a speaker who is less confident may constitute
barracking. In general, speakers should not offer points of information
only a few seconds after a previous offer has been declined or while the
speaker on the floor is clearly in the early stages of answering a point of
information she just accepted: frequent violations of these principles
might reasonably be penalized.

The point of information may be in the form of a question to the person
making a speech, or it may be a remark addressed through the person
chairing the debate. Some teams tend to use the latter format, while
most teams tend to ask a question. Let it be clear that either format is
perfectly acceptable.

The point of information must be brief. 10 to 15 seconds is the norm, and
over that the interrupter should be told to sit down by the speaker. As
well, when the person making the speech understands the point, she or
he can tell the interrupter to sit down - the speaker does not have to let
the point get right through to the end in all cases. Always remember that
the speaker who is making the speech has complete control of points of
information - when to accept them, whether to accept them and how long
they should go on for.

Which, of course, puts a premium on clear simple points. In one debate
the interrupter began by saying "I may be particularly dense... " and
paused, whereupon the speaker said "yes you are" and continued with his
speech. This was a waste of a good opportunity, all because the
interrupter chose to indulge in pompous oratory rather than a crisp clear

5.3 Marking Points of Information
It is relatively easy to mark the responses to points of' information,
because each response is incorporated into the speech and that is where
it gets marked.
The problems come in marking the offering of points of information,
because speakers will offer points other than during their own speech, at
a time when the judge is making notes about another speaker altogether.

To begin with there is a practical problem. Judges must have some
system of recording points of information from the beginning of the
debate even for speakers who will not speak until the end of the debate.
In other words, during the first speaker for the government, a judge must
be able to record something about the offering of points of information by
the third speaker of the opposition.

A simple solution has been devised in Australia by Annette Whiley. Each
judge has a separate sheet of paper, divided into six boxes (one line
down the middle, three across the page). Each box represents the
offering of points by a speaker. During the first speaker for the
government, the three boxes on the right hand side will be used to record
the offering of points by the three opposition speakers. A simple tally mark
shows one was offered. If one was accepted, a brief note about it can be
included in the box. At the end of the debate this allows the judge to see
what sort of contribution was being made by each speaker in offering
points of information.

At the 1994 National Schools Championships in Australia we
experimented with a separate category worth 5 marks for the offering of
points of information. On the whole I don't think this worked very well. So
we seem to be back with marking the offering of points within each
speaker's speech marks.

A speaker's speech mark should only be adjusted if her contribution to the
debate through offering points of information differed significantly from
her contribution in her speech. (Contribution to the debate through
offering points of information involves both the quantity of points of
information offered and the quality of those accepted: speakers should
not be penalized if they offer plenty of points but none is accepted.) A
speaker's speech mark may be adjusted by up to two marks in either
direction to take account of points of information offered: if such an
adjustment is being made, the judge should write, e.g., +1 or -2 in the
appropriate column on the ballot. So, a speaker whose speech deserved a
70 but who offered remarkably good points of information might receive
an overall mark of 71, or perhaps 72 if the points were truly outstanding.
A speaker whose speech deserved a 76 but who offered almost no points
of information might receive an overall mark of 74 or 75. But a speaker
whose speech deserved a 64 should not lose marks for failing to offer
many points of information, because his contribution through offering
points was no worse than his speech. Likewise, a speaker whose speech
deserved a 78 does not get extra marks for making a couple of very good
points of information, because those points were no better than her

A summary of how to mark points of information is as follows:
The primary component of the speaker's marks is the speaker's speech.
That mark can increase by up to a couple of marks if the speaker offered
superb points of information during the rest of the debate.
That mark can decrease by up to a couple of marks if the speaker:
(i) offered no points of information (or almost none) during the rest of the
(ii) offered bad points of information during the rest of the debate;
(iii) failed to accept points of information during her or his own speech.
Note that just because the response to a point of information was good, it
doesn't mean that the point was not a good one. Don't judge the worth of
the point on the response. After all if a motion is strongly arguable on
both sides, then the major points on each side should have good counterarguments.

(6) Marking Standard
Consistency is a virtue. It ought to be possible for a debater to pick up a
mark sheet from any judge and work out how good the debate was just
from the marks that were offered.
But if one judge thinks a good speech was worth 95% and another judge
thought it was just as good and therefore worth 75%, we have a problem.
Marking standards are imposed in every competition. They are necessarily
arbitrary. There is no reason why any particular standard is better than
any other. But there must be a standard, and here it is.
The expected range of marks is from 60% for an appalling speech to 80%
for a brilliant one.

A good average speech at this competition is worth 70%.
Judges shall never give a speaker mark greater than 80 or less than 60.
It is true that this marking standard means that we are really marking
each speaker out of 20. But that doesn't matter. A standard is a standard,
and this is what should be used.

6.1 A Relative Absolute, or Merely Relative?
Adopting this standard means that you do not mark the first government
speaker at 70 and mark everybody else up or down from that point.

Instead, you must have a mental picture of a good average speech for
this competition and mark every speaker including the first government)
according to that hypothetical. Thus the first government is as likely as
the third opposition to score 80 or 60.

This allows some basis of comparison between marks in different debates
(although the system isn't foolproof). The alternative, of marking
everybody relative to the first government at 70, means that the marks
for a brilliant debate and for an abysmal one will be about the same.
This standard begs the question of what is a good average speech for this
competition. Unfortunately the question is impossible to answer. We could
not say, for example, that a good average speech was likely to come from
the team from a particular country, because the standard of most teams
varies considerably from year to year.

There is often a huge gap between teams at the top and bottom of the
marking range. The competition attracts both highly skilled and
experienced debaters at one end of the range, and novice debaters from
non English speaking countries with no exposure to debate at the other.
It is theoretically possible that the overall standard one year is very high
while in another year it is very low. This ought to be reflected in the
marks for the whole competition. But it is not necessary for an individual
judge's marks to average around 70 throughout the competition, although
this is likely if the judge is judging teams from across the whole spectrum
of abilities at the competition. If your marks are consistently coming in
above or below 70, you might swap thoughts with your fellow judges to
see if it is just you or whether you really have been judging a distinctly
non-average group of teams.

The last word on this point is that nobody can enforce this particular part
of the standard precisely. To achieve consistency in adjudication it is more
important that the relative marks of judges on a panel should be about
the same, even if the absolute marks vary to a small extent. Thus if I give
three speakers 75, 78 and 73, and one of my fellow judges gives the
same speakers 74, 79 and 71, we have clearly seen the debate the same
way, even though our actual marks vary a little. Try to mark according to
the hypothetical standard, but don't be too worried if you are a little bit
different from your colleagues on this point.

6.2 Internal Marks and Reply Speeches
If we adopt an overall standard, we must have the same standard applied
to each internal category of marks. Thus a good average speaker for this
competition would be expected to score 28 for style, 28 for content and
14 for strategy (i.e., 70% of each category). A brilliant speaker would
score 32 for style, 32 for content and 16 for strategy (i.e. 80% of each
category). An appalling speaker would score 24 for style, 24 for content,
and 12 for strategy (i.e. 60% of each category).
If we do not adopt these standards internally, the internal divisions
become meaningless. If I decide that I will mark style on a range from 20
to 40, I am giving the same range of marks to this category as I would for
the entire speech. In effect I am marking style out of 100 rather than out
of 40.

This problem becomes particularly significant for strategy marks because
strategy is worth only 20. There is a great temptation to expand the
range for this category to differentiate between speakers of otherwise
similar standards. It must be resisted: this category is worth only 20, and
if 2 speakers are similar in standard they get the same mark, even if one
is slightly better than the other.

The same problem arises in the reply speeches because all the categories
are halved. The best way to deal with this problem is to mark the reply
speech out of 100 and then halve all the marks. This allows half-marks,
which ought to solve all your problems.

6.3 Who Wins the Debate?
If you find yourself saying "I thought the proposition won the debate but
when I added up my marks I found that the opposition had won instead,"
something is wrong. It might be your belief about who won the debate or
it might be your marks: somehow the two things must be reconciled
before you cast your vote. Look back over your marks to make sure that
you were evaluating all speakers by the same standards and therefore
that the marks accurately express your view of the relative performances
of the speakers. Was the third opposition speaker really eight marks
better than the first proposition speaker? Was there really no difference in
the quality of style or content in the first four speeches? Also, make sure
that your belief about who won the debate is not being unduly influenced
by the last few speeches: all speeches count equally (except for the reply
speeches, which count at half value) and the speaker marks help to
ensure that this fact is reflected in your decision. Likewise, make sure
that your belief is not being unduly influenced by one category in the
marks: perhaps you think that the proposition won only because you are
not giving full (i.e. 40%) weight in your mind to the fact that the
opposition were significantly ahead on style or content. If your marks for
each category and each speaker accurately reflect your view of the
debate, then your total marks should reliably indicate which team won the
debate, given the particular weightings of different categories we use at
World Schools.

It is also worth noting the phenomenon called "the accelerating rebuttal
mark". Some judges are swayed by rebuttal or clash. The more there is,
the more they believe the speaker is doing a good job. This is logical until
you realize that the government has one less opportunity to rebut the
other side than the opposition does. The accelerating rebuttal mark
means that opposition teams get a big advantage. Always be sure that
you are giving full credit to the way a team has proposed an argument as
well as to the way their opponents have attempted to knock it down.

6.4 Judicial Discussions
The practice in the World competition is for the judges to go outside after
the debate to discuss the issues so that one can present a short
commentary on behalf of the judges. It ought to go without saying that a
judge cannot go outside to discuss the debate without having reached a
decision. The easiest way to ensure this is to insist that each judge hand
in their completed mark sheet to the person chairing the debate before
they go outside to discuss the result. Once handed in, it cannot be
changed as a result of the discussions outside. If we did not insist on this
rule, the debate outside the room would be more important than the one
inside it!

6.5 The Adjudication Speech
Before the adjudication speech, but after ballots have been completed
and handed to the chairperson, the judges have a brief opportunity to
confer. This is not the time to try to persuade your fellow judges that they
made a mistake on a particular issue or in their overall result. Their
ballots are locked in like yours, and the only point of conferring is to help
one of the judges give the adjudication speech. So, keep the discussion
short and to the point. If you dissented and your views are quite different
from the rest of the panel, briefly express your reasons and then stay out
of the discussion.
The adjudication speech should explain the result of the debate to the
audience. Teams can and should speak to the judges individually after the
debate, but this is the only opportunity for the audience to hear the
reason for the decision. The adjudication speech should not refer to
mistakes made by individual speakers: you can discuss these privately
after the debate instead of belittling a speaker in public.

Explaining the result to an audience that has just seen its first World
Schools debate may require outlining the three categories in which we
award marks and, where appropriate, identifying the category in which
the decisive difference between the teams was to be found. The
adjudication speech should not summarize the content of the debate
except insofar as is truly necessary to explain the result. The speech
should be as short as possible – typically between 2 and 4 minutes –
while communicating to the audience a clear, explanation of the result of
the debate (and expressing thanks to the hosts and sponsors).
When giving the adjudication speech you should remember that you are
speaking for the panel, not just for yourself. Where there are importantly
differing views, especially if the decision is not unanimous, you need to
try as far as possible to explain how those differences came about. If at
all possible, you should explain the grounds on which one or more judge
dissented in a way that emphasizes the reasonableness of the
disagreement, rather than leaving the audience to think that one judge
got it wrong. In the unlikely and unfortunate event that you cannot
present the dissenting view in a way that makes it sound reasonable, it is
better to say nothing about it: just explain that the panel reached a
majority verdict and then present the views of the majority.
Annex – Range of Marks
1. Substantive Speeches (Out of 100)
Standard Overall
Exceptional 80 32 32 16
Excellent 76-79 31 31 15-16
Extremely Good 74-75 30 30 15
Very Good 71-73 29 29 14-15
Good 70 28 28 14
Satisfactory 67-69 27 27 13-14
Competent 65-66 26 26 13
Pass 61-64 25 25 12-13
Improvement Needed 60 24 24 12
Page 25 of 25
2. Reply Speeches (Out of 50)
Standard Overall
Exceptional 40 16 16 8
Very Good to Excellent 36-39 15 15 7.5
Good 35 14 14 7
Pass to Satisfactory 31-34 13 13 6.5
Improvement Needed 30 12 12 6

In marking reply speeches it might be easier to mark them out of 100 and then halve each mark. That will leave you with half-mark steps, but that is not a problem. Thus a reply speech could be given, say, 13.5 for content, 14.5 for style and 7.5 for strategy, for a total of 35.5.

Debate Forum / Team Selection For ATN BANGLA DEBATE
« on: March 12, 2011, 03:36:47 PM »
The interested members of the Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC) are requested to attend the 'team selection session' for "ATN BANGLA CAMPUS PARLIAMENT DEBATE COMPETITION". It will be held on March 13, 2011(Sun day) at 4:00pm in JMC Media Lab (4th floor, Prince plaza).

There will be held a practice debate.

Thanking you

Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb
Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC)

Debate Forum / More Topics for Bangla Debate
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:51:47 PM »

তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকার একটি ব্যর্থ ধারণা

নির্বাচনে সাধারণ মানুষের মতামত প্রতিফলিত হয় না

দুর্বল গণতন্ত্রের চেয়ে শক্তিশালী একনায়কতন্ত্রই তৃতীয় বিশ্বের জন্য গ্রহণযোগ্য

ভবিষ্যৎ বাংলাদেশে আর কোন তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের প্রয়োজন নেই

স্বাধীন নির্বাচন কমিশন থাকলে তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের প্রয়োজন নেই

শক্তিশালী অর্থনীতি গণতান্ত্রিক সাফল্যের পূর্বশর্ত

বিপথগামী গণতন্ত্রের চেয়ে একনায়কতন্ত্র শ্রেয়

প্রশাসন নয়, প্রার্থীরা পারে সুষ্ঠু নির্বাচন নিশ্চিত করতে

তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকার ব্যবস্থা গণতন্ত্রের জন্য হুমকি

রাজনীতিই বাংলাদেশের মানুষের অবনতির মূল কারণ

রাজনৈতিক দ্বন্দ্ব নিরসনে সুশীল সমাজ কার্যকর ভূমিকা রাখতে ব্যর্থ হচ্ছে

আমরা ১১ই জানুয়ারীর জন্য অনুতপ্ত

দারিদ্র্যই রাজনৈতিক দুর্বৃত্তায়নের প্রধান কারণ

সকল ক্ষেত্রে কোটা প্রথা নিষিদ্ধ করা উচিত

সংসদে মহিলাদের সংরক্ষিত আসন থাকা উচিত নয়

সংস্কার একটি ধারণা মাত্র


সব উন্নয়নের গতকাল ছিল শোষণ

সম্পদের অভাব নয়, অতিরিক্ত জনসংখ্যাই আমাদের প্রধান সমস্যা

দুর্বল শিল্পায়নের জন্য আমাদের অর্থনৈতিক সংকটই মূলত দায়ী

আমাদের অর্থনৈতিক মুক্তির জন্য বাজার ব্যবস্থার সংস্কার অত্যাবশ্যক

অর্থনীতিই সময়কে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে

সকল সংগ্রামের মূল কারণ অর্থনীতিতে নিহিত

অর্থনৈতিক মুক্তিই সন্ত্রাস নির্মূলের উপায়

ক্রমবর্ধমান সামাজিক সন্ত্রাসের কারণ রাজনৈতিক নয় অর্থনৈতিক

বিশ্বায়ন জাতীয় উন্নয়ন পরিপন্থী

স্বল্পোন্নত দেশগুলোর জন্য বিশ্বায়ন আদতে কোন সুফল বয়ে আনতে পারবে না

অর্থনৈতিক যুদ্ধ সামরিক যুদ্ধের চেয়ে ভয়াবহ

পণ্যের বিজ্ঞাপনে পণ্য নারী বাজার অর্থনীতির উপহার

বিশ্ব বাণিজ্য সংস্থা দরিদ্র দেশগুলোর অর্থনীতিকে দুর্বল করছে

সিন্ডিকেটই দ্রব্যমূল্য ঊর্ধ্বগতির মূল কারণ

অর্থনৈতিক প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য গণতন্ত্রের চর্চা মুখ্য নয়

পরনির্ভর অর্থনীতিই টেকসই উন্নয়নকে বাধাগ্রস্ত করছে

স্বদেশী পণ্যের ব্যবহার বৃদ্ধিতে মানহীনতা নয় মানসিকতাই প্রধান অন্তরায়

ক্ষুদ্রঋণ গ্রামীণ জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্য সুফলের চেয়ে অধিক কুফল বয়ে এনেছে

অর্থনৈতিক শৃঙ্খল মননশীলতা বিকাশের পথে অন্তরায়

চীনের মুক্তবাজার সাফল্য আমাদের জন্য অনুকরণীয়

গ্যাস রপ্তানী আমাদের অর্থনীতিতে ইতিবাচক ভূমিকা রাখবে

I think these topics will help the debaters to prepare themselves. It will help them to practice debate & also organize debate program.


Career 2 day / Watch Career 2day on RTV
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:21:54 PM »
Respected All,
Its our pleasure to inform you that DIU production Career 2day will be on air tomorrow (Friday) at 10:30am accordingly.

JMC Media Lab of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Daffodil International University produce a career related program “Career Today” in every Friday on RTV at 10:30am.

In every episode an individual profession, its present situation, future prospect and market demand are highlighted with the interactive session by renowned profession and students of different universities. Tomorrow’s episode will be highlighted on Applied Dietetics and Food Technology as a profession. Mr. Shakhawat Hossain, Chairman, Tatka (A.HZ. Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.) and Dr. Belal Ahmed, Head, Department of ADFT of DIU will be appear as the guest speaker. Students of the Department of ADFT, DIU and Students of Home Economics College participated in the interactive session with the guest speaker.

This is completely a in house production of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Hope you will enjoy the program. 

With Regard's
Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC)
Researcher, Career 2day.

DAFFODIL INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY(DIUDC) has jointly with UNFPA successfully organized a function on the occasion of “International Women's Day 2011” at university campus on 8th March, 2011. The slogan of this year is “Equal access to education, training and science & technology: Pathway to decent work for women”.

DIU has celebrated this day with different items. There was a Rally from business faculty campus to main campus. A seminar was organized based on the theme of this year’s slogan.

A show debate on parliamentary format was performed by the members of Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC). The topic of the debate was "SHIKKHAY SHOMO SHUJOG NISHCHIT KORBE NARI UNNAYON". The debate was so attractive.

Song, poem and also many interesting segment performed by the students & the teachers of DIU.

Debate Forum / English Debate Topics
« on: March 09, 2011, 03:14:56 PM »
WUDC 2008, Assumption:
Round 1: This House would allow the use of torture.
Round 2: This House believes that Taiwan should declare independence now
Round 3: THW not allow local government to pay for the relocation of homeless
Round 4: THBT the European Union should only direct aid to nations that pursue
environmentally sustainable development.
Round 5: THBT every criminal defendant should be required to use a government
provided defense lawyer.
Round 6: THW subject foreign political contributions to greater restrictions than
domestic contributions.
Round 7: THW assassinate Vladimir Putin.
Round 8: THBT governments should never rescue failing private industry.
ESL Semi Finals: THW require doctors to report all cases of suspected domestic
ESL Finals: THBT the Turkish military should stop enforcing the separation of church
and state.

WUDC 2007, Vancouver:
Round 1: THW ban government funding of religious schools.
Round 2: THBT the UK should abolish it’s nuclear arsenal.
Round 3: TH supports accelerated land redistribution in South Africa.
Round 4: THW criminalize the payment of ransom.
Round 5: TH supports independence for Quebec.
Round 6: THW abolish all taxes on inherited wealth.
Round 7: THW support regime change in Myanmar/Burma.
Round 8: THW ban Cosmetic Surgery.
Round 9: THW grant citizenship in exchange for military service.
Octo Final: THBT developing nation should nationalize their energy resources.
Quarter Final: THBT people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to
choose the death penalty instead.
Semi Final: THW ban websites that glorify eating disorders.
Final: THBT economic growth is the solution to climate change.
ESL Semi: THB all serious crimes should be trialed by Jury.
ESL Final: THBT politicians have a right to a private life.
Masters Round 1: This house would designate one city to permanently host the
Masters Round 2: This house believes that governments should provide heroin
addicts with safe injection facilities.
Masters Final: TH supports a 35 hour working week.
EFL Final: This house would lift sanctions on Iran.

WUDC 2006, Dublin:
Final: That this house would abolish all laws prohibiting cruelty to animals.
Semi: This house would prohibit speeches that incite hatred.
Quarter Final: This House Would permit legislating by citizen initiated referenda.
Octo Final: This House believes that international law should recognise the right of
each state to unilaterally undertake armed humanitarian intervention.
ESL Final: This House Believes that European Governments should payparents to
have children.
ESL Semi Final: This House would abandon the civilian use of nuclear power.
Round 1: This House Would Grant An Amnesty To All Illegal Immigrants Currently In
The United States
Round 2: That This House Believes That The Catholic Church Should Allow The Use Of
Condoms In The Fight Against HIV/AIDS In Africa.
Round 3: That This House Believes The West Should End Military Cooperation With
Pakistan Until It Holds Free Presidential Elections.
Round 4: This House Would Prohibit Women Over The Age Of 45 Years From
Undergoing Assisted Human Reproduction.
Round 5: This House Would Give Japan A Permanent Seat On The United Nations
Security Council.
Round 6: This House Would Not Allow Intelligent Design To Be Included In The School
Science Curriculum.
Round 7: This House Would Recognise A Legally Enforceable Right To A Minimum
Standard Of Living.
Round 8: This House Supports The Creation Of An Independent State For The Iraqi
Round 9: This House Supports Indigenous Persons Convicted Of A Crime Being
Sentenced By Their Community And Not The Courts.

WUDC 2005, Malaysia:
Final: This House Supports Corporal Punishment in Schools.
Semi Final: This House Would Use Gambling To Rejuvenate Depressed Economic
Quarter Final: This House Believes That Mentally Handicapped People Are Better
Cared For In The Community Than In Institutions.
Octo Final: This House Believes It Is Time For an ASEAN Parliament.
Round 1: This House would compel HIV infected people to disclose their disease to
their sexual partners.
Round 2: This house believes the EU should open its doors to North Africa.
Round 3: This House would not teach vocational studies at University.
Round 4: This House would positively discriminate women in the armed forces.
Round 5: This House believes that outsourcing is good for the developed and
developing nations.
Round 6: This house would have harsher sentences for celebrity criminals.
Round 7: This House Believes that anti-terrorism is the new McCarthyism.
Round 8: This House Would Expand NAFTA Into South America.
Round 9: This House Would Prioritise Organ Donations To Those Who Have Lived a
Healthy Lifestyle.

WUDC 2004, Singapore:
Final: TH would ban the abortion of fetuses on the grounds of their permanent
Semi Final: TH believes war journalists should be forced to reveal their sources in
international criminal tribunals.
Quarter Final: TH believes parents should cast proxy votes for their children.
Octo Final: TH would support regime change in Iran.
Round 1: THW try Saddam Hussein before an international tribunal .
Round 2: TH supports all forms of child labour .
Round 3: THB eviormentalists should use terrorism in support of their goals.
Round 4: THB students all round the world should be taught in English .
Round 5: THW tie world bank aid to womens' rights .
Round 6: THW make the release of child sexual abusers conditional on chemical
Round 7: TH believes only African countries should be peacekeepers in African
conflicts .
Round 8: TH would use international sporting events for political change .
Round 9: TH would ban religious symbols in state schools.
ESL Final: TH believes that Japanese armed forces should fight in foreign lands.
ESL Semi Final: TH prefers regional trade agreements to the WTO.

WUDC 2003, Stellenbosch:
Final: This house believes that the world has learned nothing from 9/11.
Semi Final: This house believes that globalization is imperialism repackaged.
Quarter Final: This house believes in the absolute right of the patient.
Octo Final: This house believes that tobacco companies should have social
Round 1: This house fears an expanded Europe.
Round 2: This house would return land to its original owners.
Round 3: This house believes that AIDS drugs should be freely available to all.
Round 4: This house believes that the media is the West's most effective weapon.
Round 5: This house believes that harmony is more important than diversity.
Round 6: This house believes that environmentalism in the Third World is the
responsibility of the First World.
Round 7: This house believes that the West should accept the democratic decision of
the people of Zimbabwe.
Round 8: This house believes that the US should be answerable to TRCs [Truth &
Reconciliation Commissions] in South America.
Round 9: This house believes that Sharon should stand with Milosovic.
ESL Final: This House would make population control a pre-requisite of aid.
ESL Semi Final: This house supports Compulsory Military Service.

WUDC 2002, Toronto:
Rounds 1: This house would bail out failing industries.
Rounds 2: This house believes that making Yassar Arrafat a partner in peace was a
Rounds 3: This house believes that the west should treat state sponsored sexism as
Rounds 4: This house believes that the WTO is the friend of the developing world.
Rounds 5: This house would force feed anorexics.
Rounds 6: This house believes that political assassinations are a legitimate tool of
foreign policy.
Rounds 7: This house supports domestic content quotas in broadcasting.
Rounds 8: This house believes that the sexual history of rape victime should be
admissible in court.
Rounds 9: This house believes that US foreign policy is responsible for September 11.
Octo Finals: This house would extradite accused criminals to face the death penalty.
Quater Finals: This house supports surrogacy for profit.
Semi Final: This house believes that civil liberties must be restricted in the interests
of security.
Final: This house would ban prisoners publishing accounts of their crimes.
ESL Semi Final: THis house believes that prisoners have no right to vote.
ESL Final: This house believes that the Nobel Prize proves that the UN has a strong
role to play.

WUDC 2001, Glasgow:
Rounds 1: This house would ban criminals from voting.
Rounds 1b: This house would give Europe it's own Army.
Rounds 2. This house would put a speed limit on human Traffic.
Rounds 3. This house would make company directors criminally liable for the wrongs
of their company.
Rounds 4. This house believes the US should get out of the middle east.
Rounds 5. This house would make pollution a tradable commodity.
Rounds 6. This house would remove patents on pharmacutical drugs from the 3rd
Rounds 7. This house believed that the WTO should grant exemptions to developing
Rounds 8. This house would ban performance enhancing drugs in sport.
Octo-Finals: This house would outlaw genetic discrimination.
Quater Finals: This house supports a one child policy.
Semi Final: This house would make reparations for slavery.
Final: This house would elect it's judges.
ESL Semi Final: This house would keep peacekeepers out of civil wars.
ESL Final: This house believes that a language which needs proteting isn't worth
Masters Final: This house would squeeze the rich until the pip squeaks.
Masters Semi Final: This house believes that the rights of the child are paramount.
Masters Quarter: This house would censor hate.

WUDC 2000, Sydney:
Rounds 1. That this house believes that election campaigns should be fully financed
by the state.
Rounds 2. That this house demands work for welfare.
Rounds 3. That this house would alter its genetic code.
Rounds 4. That this house would put worker's rights before trade rights.
Rounds 6. That this house would ignore the war in Chechnya.
Rounds 7. That this house believes religious doctrines are more important than
women's rights.
Rounds 8. That this house likes its environmentalists radical.
Rounds 9. That this house would put corporate profits before individual privacy.
Octo Final: That Asia should take the liberal path.
Quarterr Final: That this house would shut down Macdonalds.
Semi Final: This House Believes the IMF is the British Empire of Today.
Final: This house believes Marx would have approved of the internet.
Masters Final: This house favours Positive discrimination.
Masters Semi Final: That women should apply lipstick.
Masters Round 1: This house would Club Baby Seals.

WUDC 1999, Manilla:
1. This house supports the bombing of Iraq.
2. This house believes globalization marginalises the poor.
3. This house believes the father should be present at conception.
4. This house believes ASEAN should rally behind Anwar.
5. This house believes art should be free from censorship.
6. This house believes democracy is the best way forward for Russia.
7. This house believes religious leaders should listen to opinion polls.
8. This house would rehabilitate criminals.
9. This house believes that federalism will not work for europe
Octo Final: This house believes that old dictators should not have to face the music
Qtr Final: This house believes that Media is more Powerful than the Government
Semi Final: This House would get US bases out of Asia
Final: This house believes Nethanyahu is the biggest obstacle to peace in Israel
Final: This house believes that a celibate priest is an unhappy priest
Semi-Finals: This House believes that Child Labour is necessary in developing
First Round: This house would support global nuclear disarmament

WUDC 1998, Athens:
This house believes in Economic policy before social policy
This house would look to the East
This house would put an immediate ban on land mines
This house believes he who controls information technology controls the world
This house believes that the glass is half full
This house believes that marriage is an outdated institution
This house believes that environmentalism is mostly hot air
This house believes that liberty should be rationed
This house would protect the rights of smokers
Octo Finals: This house believes we should leave nation states to the scrap yard of
Qtr Finals: This house believes that the olympic games should come home for good
Semi Final : THis house would give national treasures back to its people
Final: This house believes that humanitarism is a first world affectation

WUDC 1997, Stellenbosch:
1. This house believes that developing nations need strong dictatorship.
2. This house would legalize prostitution.
3. This house has an unhealthy obsession with sport.
4. This house believes that the U.S. is more sinned against than sinning.
5. This house would let the information superhighway run free.
6. This house believes that fanaticism works.
7. This house would allow same-sex couples to adopt children.
8. This house will regret the trade bloc.
9. This house believes that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a weak
Octo Final: This house supports privatization
Qtr Final: This house would adopt quotas.
Semi Final: This house believes that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom
Final: This house would legalize all drugs.
ESL Final: This House believes that there is no such thing as universal human rights

WUDC 1996, Cork:
1.This house would put pragmatism before its principles.
2. This house would test nuclear weapons.
3. This house would rebuild the Berlin Wall.
4. This house would sacrifice economic growth for the good of the environment.
5. This house would give racists a platform.
6. This house would make the blood of the patriarchy run in the streets. (enforced
humour round)
7. This house would heed its priests.
8. This house believes that developing nations should adopt Western feminism.
9. This house would in trial by jury.
Octo Final: This house would reject big government.
Qtr Final: This house believes that the melting pot has failed.
Semi Final: This house would let the language die.
Final: This house believes that strong dictatorship is better than weak democracy.

WUDC 1995, Princeton:
1. This House would plan for peace by preparing for war.
2. This House has more to fear than to hope from genetic engineering.
3. This House would open its doors to the world.
4. This House believes that the separation of church and state has gone too far.
5. This House believes that the United Nations belongs on the ash-heap of history.
6. This House believes that American culture is an oxymoron. (enforced humour
7. This House believes that capitalism is a dead end.
8. This House believes economic sanctions should not be used to influence domestic
9. This House believes that the government that governs least, governs best.
Octo Final: This House supports the statement, "Yankee Go Home!"

WUDC 1994, Melbourne:
1. This house believes that right is more important than peace.
2. This House believes that political correctness is the new McCarthyism.
3. This House believes that space exploration can no longer be justified.
4. This House believes that Islam has had a bad press.
5. This House believes that the blood of East Timor is on Australia's hands.
6. This House believes that there is in this age a dearth of heroes.
7. This House believes that feminism should give way to multiculturalism.
8. This House believes that the West will regret free trade.
9. This House believes that cricket is to sport as Rolls-Royce is to motorcars.
(enforced humour round)
Octo Final: This House believes that the state of the union is stuffed.
Qtr Final: This House would support affirmative action.
Semi Final: This House believes that the Pope should get married.
Final: This House believes that Machiavelli is the way to go.
Miscellaneous Topics
THB that governments should never rescue failing private industry.
This House would assassinate Vladimir Putin.
THW subject foreign political contributions to greater restrictions than domestic
This House believes that every criminal defendant should be required to use a
government provided defense lawyer.
This House believes that the European Union should only direct aid to nations that
pursue environmentally sustainable development.
THW not allow local government to pay for the relocation of homeless people
This House believes that Taiwan should declare independence now
This House would allow the use of torture.
[All the motions have been taken from the Global debate blog (Tuna)]
This House would require doctors to report all cases of suspected domestic violence.
This House believes that the Turkish military should stop enforcing the separation of
church and state.
This House believes that governments in the developing world should invest in sex
THW allow the police to use entrapment.
THW use the education system to instill moral norms in children beyond mere
obedience to the law.
THW grant citizenship to illegal immigrants who report on work-place exploitation.
THBT western liberal countries have a moral duty to spread democracy across the
world using force where necessary.
THBT custody hearings should not take a child's biological parentage into account.
THW allow doctors to actively lie to their patients in order to create or augment a
placebo effect.
THW allow the police to physically discipline children below the age of criminal
THW allow political parties to designate certain pre-election claims as binding
promises, the breaking of which would trigger immediate fresh elections.
THBT countries where assisted suicide is illegal should prosecute those who assist
others that travel abroad to receive euthanasia.
THBT desecration of religious sites is a legitimate tactic of warfare.
THW remove all legal barriers to the genetic enhancement of humans.
THW abolish all limits on immigration.
This house believes that Obama should close the Guantanamo Camp immediately.
This house believes that it is time to close the borders to economic migrants.
This house would eliminate compulsory service in Malaysia.
This house would legislate against the embedding of journalists.
This house would prosecute Robert Mugabe for crimes against humanity
This house would bomb terrorist bases in Pakistan.
This house believes that South American countries should nationalize their natural
resources. Watch the debate video
This house would use the military against Somali pirates. Watch the debate video

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