6 steps to debating perfection

Author Topic: 6 steps to debating perfection  (Read 5044 times)

Offline Md. Mehedi Hasan Shoyeb

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6 steps to debating perfection
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:30:25 PM »
Debating skills:

It's all very well having your say, but do you really know how to form an argument and debate an issue? In just 6 easy steps we'll show you how.

So what is a debate?

A debate involves a discussion of the pros and cons of an issue. Debating successfully is all about using argument and persuasion to convince other people that your views are right.
  6 steps to debating perfection:

1. Research: Research the subject, so that you have facts to back up your views. It helps to validate your answer so it becomes more than just your opinion.

2. Logic: Use logic to develop your case and make your points. Lead each point on from what you were previously saying. That way you build up a story and expand your answer.

3. Counter arguments: It's always good to be prepared so consider the counter arguments in advance. That way the other side can't catch you out and you're always prepared.

4. Keep an open mind: Be open minded and prepared to change your opinion if you the other side convinces you your argument is flawed.

In the heat of a debate it's easy to lose your cool

5. Don't get personal: In the heat of a debate it's easy to lose your cool and attack the other person for having a different opinion to you. But remember they're entitled to that opinion and just because they don't think the same as you it's not a bad thing.

6. Stay Focused: Stick to the subject being debated and don't stray into other areas. It sounds obvious but it's easy to do once you start debating.